So my wife took my kids to the lake yesterday and left me in town alone. I had planned to by a 26, now my lawn, clean up the weeds, do some housework and relax with a few stiff drinks afterwards.
That didn’t happen.
I talked to a friend in the morning and he and another friend had almost got into a fight the night before and he was pretty upset. I called him later on in the day to see if he wanted me to pick him up on my way home from work so we could have a drink at my place and relax. He was down and came over.
I had planned to shave my head and shower as soon as we got home but the dude who he had almost got into with called and came over.
Then shit went unexpectedly sideways but not because of them.
A friend of my friend stopped by who had mushrooms, acid, mdma, mda, dmt and some weed with him.
Good news, I stayed away from the dmt.
I hadn’t had any mushrooms for five years so I decided it would be a swell idea to slam back and eighth and chase it with a 66 of rye. I also bought some acid (which I haven’t touched in 20 years).
So, I had a killer night with a bunch of my friends who I hadn’t planned on having over. I looked at my table at midnight and there were more than 10 different illegal substances along with multiple alcoholic beverages splayed across it.
All I had wanted was to mow my lawn and relax alone.
I went to bed at 6am and left a few dudes outside in my gazebo (like the gods they are cleaned and washed everything up before leaving). I got up at 8 and mowed my lawn, did my yard work (while stumbling around and sweating like a whore in church). Had a drink after I was done and in my infinite fucking wisdom decided to toss back a hit of acid before going to bed.
Yup. I did that.
Forgot about it when I woke up.
Until I started to try to get up to piss.
So, I dropped some acid for the first time in twenty years, sometime around 10am before going back to bed, woke up tripping balls and it’s date night for my wife who’s stone cold sober and hates drugs of all kinds.
If I don’t end up in a tour bus in my underwear singing tiny dancer I think it’ll be alright.