General Flying High into Pink July

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Deleted member 1

Ok, so we've got exactly one white knight for for this whore. You aware who this is, what shes done, and what she looks like? Any more white knights want in on this? I'm guessing no, but I could be wrong.

I only care about actions and right now you're in the wrong. I'm not in on your drama. But youre not doing this indefinitely. You wanna PM the mods later and make your case that you were wronged my another member feel free. But since the majority of your response is as the aggressor, through PM gossip to others, no reports, based on looks ,etc. I find most of your Epstein et al references disingenuous.

Feel free to argue otherwise but you don't have a pass to chase anyone around with this caustic posting indefinitely as you seem to feel you do.


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
He told me he was goi g to have to put up with me being back and bosh there ya go

My karma thumbs are having a proper work out now.

Mate. I’m caked up in mozziie bites. Send help!
Ah yes, I almost forgot that I usually have little to no idea what you are saying...

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I think we all speak from experience when saying, you sir are the king of off rails from time to time.
It’s the liquor, most of the time. Was really fucked in the head when my ex dumped me. Thought someone had killed her to get at me.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
It’s the liquor, most of the time. Was really fucked in the head when my ex dumped me. Thought someone had killed her to get at me.
I’ve had a few I wish someone would’ve killed.

Too swole to control

I’ll fight anyone on here except Sex Chicken
Oct 28, 2015
In the song Jane Says....when they say "she takes a swing and she can't hit" I just realized they talking bout needles