General Flying High into Pink July

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Dick Niaz

Yearning for TMMAC days gone by
Jan 14, 2018
Since when did this become a COVID vaccine debate thread?

Is there no place on this forum where people can avoid bullshit and maybe just enjoy themselves? Crazy wish, I know.


Who am I kidding? I’m a whore.
Amateur Fighter
Nov 15, 2015
Since when did this become a COVID vaccine debate thread?

Is there no place on this forum where people can avoid bullshit and maybe just enjoy themselves? Crazy wish, I know.
It’s because I brought up a thread that JLP used to frequent.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
The problem with all the conspiracy stuff is that, if you shoot enough arrows into the dark, you’re going to hit some bullseyes from time to time.
If you go back into that rona thread as far as what I posted, it certainly isn't arrows into the dark.
It is nearly all bullseyes.

I would like to also point out that "all the conspiracy stuff" is far to broad of a label, it should be case to case and not be lumped together.
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Posting Machine
Oct 10, 2016
I've never been vaccinated.

Have I caught covid? Yes.

Have I caught it more than once? Yes.

Have I needed hospital care? Yes.

Do I regret my decision?

Can't catch covid if you don't test for the fuk up

Dick Niaz

Yearning for TMMAC days gone by
Jan 14, 2018
You know you’re kind of to blame for this. Baiting FINGERS @FINGERS to get pinked. SMH.
Now that I think about it, I threw down that challenge in another thread and CMNH said he would take care of it. Maybe I’m the problem here. Maybe I’m patient zero of whatever virus has infected this place.

Just kidding, I’m awesome.


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
It really wasn't that interesting.
Showed up and zero learning curve of the forum gave it away.

Thinking back on it using the same logic, I do think I know who Cody is now, and I am happy about that. Thought maybe he got in trouble again, happy to learn that isn't the case.
Well, spill the tea.



Posting Machine
Oct 10, 2016
Mandatory test all 3 times. Twice at hospital (only went to Intensive Care once though) and once for international travel.

I don't trust any of the results though so there's a chance I never even had it.
It's not mandatory if you don't agree to it...what part of this are you not understanding?

A @admin is there a crayon feature on this board?