General Democratic 2020 Election Watch

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member 3289

Is little Pocahontas going to endorse Bernie Sanders before Tuesday or what????

Deleted member 1

a maddow interview indicates no
Looks like online Bernie Bros shot themselves in the foot.

Warren should make a play for Joe biden's vice presidential slot. Joe could easily pick up a couple of her platform pieces without alienating his base and pull her into the fold. she has made a far more convincing demographic argument as a woman than Pete did as a gay man. Plus, mathematically speaking alone, she should tickle the inner tribalism of 50% of the population. That is if she can prevent herself from pulling a Hillary Clinton and coming across so patronizing that she deserves the spot just for being a woman.


She is hard to take seriously because she keeps looking like that lady from Saturday night live.
but when I read her policy positions black and white or read quotes from her she seems like a well put together candidate.

i hear she eats salad with a fork nowadays


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Looks like online Bernie Bros shot themselves in the foot.

Warren should make a play for Joe biden's vice presidential slot. Joe could easily pick up a couple of her platform pieces without alienating his base and pull her into the fold. she has made a far more convincing demographic argument as a woman than Pete did as a gay man. Plus, mathematically speaking alone, she should tickle the inner tribalism of 50% of the population. That is if she can prevent herself from pulling a Hillary Clinton and coming across so patronizing that she deserves the spot just for being a woman.
Warren got into politics specifically because of Biden's shite policies. If she runs to him for a VP spot she loses what little credibility she has left. And if some mean words on twitter make you turn your back on your principles then you didn't really hold them in the first place.