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Aug 29, 2015
Exactly.... So there was ample time to restock the supply before the proverbial "bomb" dropped, but instead of doing it then, we waited until we were behind, Trump blamed Obama's administration for leaving him with no resources, and Trump says that he will go into the private sector to have companies produce PPE (for profit)... And then call for the DPA.
Oh no doubt he's done a terrible job at the very beginning of this (and arguably still is).


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Most churches have closed.
But there is a huge church north of Cincy that continues to have services. Their website even says they will stay open until they are forced - by law - to close.
Solid Rock Church

If you've ever driven on I75 between Cincy and Dayton. It's the one with a huge butter Jesus in their front yard.

It used to be called Touchdown Jesus because he looked like an NFL referee signalling a score.

But that one got struck by lightning and burned down.

So now they have a new statue:

Some of their members were interviewed and they said shit like "God will guide us through this. We need church now more than ever."

They're all gonna get the 'Rona.
Just listened to some of their live broadcast.

"Our hearts are so full with God there is no room for coronavirus. He will guide us through."

Tons of people in the audience screaming "AMEN! PRAISE GOD!!!"

They all gonna get the 'Rona

member 603

Just listened to some of their live broadcast.

"Our hearts are so full with God there is no room for coronavirus. He will guide us through."

Tons of people in the audience screaming "AMEN! PRAISE GOD!!!"

They all gonna get the 'Rona
All those people.... Sorry to say.... They need to all DIE..... YEAH I SAID IT!!! FIGHT ME!!!!! FUCKIN WASTE OF LIFE THESE FUCKING SCUMBAGS!!!!!

Seriously though, they are being socially irresponsible, and that mass gathering is a breeding ground for this virus, which will lead to them requiring medical aid from our already overtaxed medical facilities, overworked and overwhelmed health care professionals, and the need to utilize our depleted supply of ventilators and other medical equipment. They need to be smarter than this.


La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I swear to God. If we can get out of this relatively soon, and restart the economy. And the real estate market doesn’t nose dive. I’m moving my family to the boondocks and going full prepper. I’m thinking Idaho. Of course I’m going to need to get a new job too. I have an interview coming up next week via Skype.
We had this talk a few days ago. Looking at properties in much smaller towns. Not talking full prepper but just self sufficient off the land.


Chinese Virus
Feb 11, 2016
All those people.... Sorry to say.... They need to all DIE..... YEAH I SAID IT!!! FIGHT ME!!!!! FUCKIN WASTE OF LIFE THESE FUCKING SCUMBAGS!!!!!

Seriously though, they are being socially irresponsible, and that mass gathering is a breeding ground for this virus, which will lead to them requiring medical aid from our already overtaxed medical facilities, overworked and overwhelmed health care professionals, and the need to utilize our depleted supply of ventilators and other medical equipment. They need to be smarter than this.


Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Ugggh this isn't good. The cult of personality is after Fauci now for being a reasonable person...

Medical Expert Who Corrects Trump Is Now a Target of the Far Right

“What this case will show is that conspiracy theories can kill...”
sounds like propaganda, can't tell for sure because it is behind a paywall

If Fauci is so fucking amazing then how come US had no stockpiles of supplies?
Did he advise stockpiling?

Virus is gonna kill
Lockdown is gonna kill

Far right is the only group to ever believe or propose a conspiracy? GTFO with that line of hogwash

Sad how left vs right this thing has become...half the thread is shit slinging and divide and conquer.

member 603

Ugggh this isn't good. The cult of personality is after Fauci now for being a reasonable person...

Medical Expert Who Corrects Trump Is Now a Target of the Far Right

“What this case will show is that conspiracy theories can kill...”
In all seriousness, for a group of supporters of what they seem is "ThE gReatEst PreSiDEnT EvEr", they are a whinier bunch of pussies than Conor McGregor fans. If Melania were to say that Trump has been mispronouncing her name publicly, they'd call her a "deep state operative who was tied up with Benghazi". If Trump was to literally inject a child in a cancer ward with COVID19 on live TV, they'd blame Obama that the kid was there.

There is NO MAN on this planet that I am that loyal and devote to.... Fuck, sometimes when I hear stories of some of my tour days, where there was heavy drug/alcohol usage happening, and I hear something outlandish... Even then I'm like "yeah I could possibly see that being a thing I did".... Humanity seriously sucks.