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Nov 14, 2019
We've lost internet at work.

I'm expecting a bright flash then blackness and death very soon.

It's an obvious game plan by the Russianese. Weaken us with a virus then take our porn away. Out despair means we won't fight back.

Deleted member 1

@Splinty - are you seeing the flooding of hospitals that the media is describing?

New York and New Orleans hospitals are being flooded. The Seattle system ICUs are almost at their max. I have inside information at these three locations. It will get much worse.

Anyone filming their hospital to prove the media wrong is doesn't understand that you have to prepare ahead of time. This is the equivalent of people saying it's only 2,000 cases even though if we do a good job it will be 100k+. You don't wait until you have 100,000 cases to start treating them and then to do so. Otherwise you'll end up with way more cases, dead staff and dead patients.

My clinic is running at half speed right now. That is because for 60 days I've sent everybody home I can so I don't put Coronavirus patients in my waiting room with all my other patients and create an outbreak. Hospitals are doing the same.
If you're doing it right, your hospital better be slow right now.

We have had to completely move our hospital around to create clean and dirty sides because of the contagiousness here and the outcomes if I contaminate something like the obstetric wing.

Hospitals do not offer homogeneous services. As such some things are going to be deadly slow and other things are going to be busy. The slow things are not life saving. Those are all delayed for 60 plus days everywhere.


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Man the people going around filming hospitals are retarded as fuck. "look, the parking lot is empty!" Go into the ICU in NY and film that.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
Man the people going around filming hospitals are retarded as fuck. "look, the parking lot is empty!" Go into the ICU in NY and film that.
"It's the government, they want to keep us home, they're hiding something. Chem-trails weren't enough to keep us down... vaccines bro....blah blah"

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Or sell crack to college kids, which is what he was doing.

27 years. I'm assuming there's more to his history than just that one arrest.
Them crackhead college kids he was selling to are probably in successful careers at this point.

member 603

I can't wait for people to dig up his history and reveal what an angelic life this dude had.
Or sell crack to college kids, which is what he was doing.

27 years. I'm assuming there's more to his history than just that one arrest.
So what's your point here? Drug incarcerations in this country have long been excessive and racially driven... Drug dealing in this country, especially in urban centers have been driven by poverty and truthfully, the lack of legitimate options for employment or professions. The government introduced heroin and crack into urban communities dating back to the 60's, and no one gave a fuck about until white kids started doing the shit, THEN it because an "epidemic".

That inmate probably came up in a hard environment, with little to no options in life, turned to gangbanging and a life of crime, and sold drugs to the wrong white kid, and ended up with a blown up sentence in a for profit prison system.

I know that you're a good dude, but comments like this do upset me.... It makes me laugh because whenever stories like this come out, people get on their moral high horse and act holier than thou (not just you btw, this is a general observation). Too many people in this country are like "good, fuck that guy, he deserves 27 years"... But also aren't outraged enough when some CEO or Politician scams billions of dollars from millions of people....... If this crack dealer deserved 27 years, than all of those senators that withheld information from the public about this pandemic, to then sell off stock.... Well than they deserve the death penalty.... Because equal/equal.

My final mini rant is this.... If any of us in here have partaken in any sort of illegal narcotics activity (even if you're in a state that allows legal activity now), and have utilized the services of a dealer.... Let's not celebrate someone getting jail time for dealing recreationally here.