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Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Voting Liberal, hoping to get Harper TF out of there. But in NL we hate Harper anyway. Hoping enough across Canada feel the same and his stint as PM is done-ski.
Apr 3, 2015
I live in BC. there are more vandalized conservatives signs than not haha.

I think its safe to say Harper wont be repeating. but you never know. LOTS of complete retards in Alberta and beyond.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
It seems like so many hate Harper, yet the Cons and Libs are apparently neck and neck in the polls.
Apr 3, 2015
It seems like so many hate Harper, yet the Cons and Libs are apparently neck and neck in the polls.
its because most people dont realize that harper is a criminal. or they realize it but are too chicken shit and stubborn to vote against him.

I HATE Harper with all my heart. and I hate anyone who votes for him.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
liberal . i dont really like justin trudeau but i hate harper more. he is a complete soulless robot that has no idea what canadians really want.i feel the liberals are the only choice. the ndp has a few good ideas but how are we going to pay for them? liberals are the lesser of 3 evils


You're all on steroids.
May 14, 2015
its because most people dont realize that harper is a criminal. or they realize it but are too chicken shit and stubborn to vote against him.

I HATE Harper with all my heart. and I hate anyone who votes for him.
See I don't get this either. It's so obvious how disastrous a Con majority has been for the CDN economy, how much thieving went on in his cabinet, how much our democratic rights have been eroded with C51, he's counting on racism to save his campaign, and now this TPP deal...and people are still finding reasons to vote for this guy. HOW.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
See I don't get this either. It's so obvious how disastrous a Con majority has been for the CDN economy, how much thieving went on in his cabinet, how much our democratic rights have been eroded with C51, he's counting on racism to save his campaign, and now this TPP deal...and people are still finding reasons to vote for this guy. HOW.
Yeah it's a mystery to me, man.

I think there are a lot of people who are just married to political parties: they've voted Conservative all their lives and damned if they're going to stop now. Ignore all the bad stuff and focus only on the good points.

These old fashioned folk are the ones who take pride in going out and exercising their right to vote. My biggest fear is that the young people who support a Liberal or NDP government are too politically apathetic and might not show up in necessary numbers to vote, and we all get stuck with Harper for many years to come.


You're all on steroids.
May 14, 2015
Yeah it's a mystery to me, man.

I think there are a lot of people who are just married to political parties: they've voted Conservative all their lives and damned if they're going to stop now. Ignore all the bad stuff and focus only on the good points.

These old fashioned folk are the ones who take pride in going out and exercising their right to vote. My biggest fear is that the young people who support a Liberal or NDP government are too politically apathetic and might not show up in necessary numbers to vote, and we all get stuck with Harper for many years to come.
This is exactly my belief and fear. People still think they're voting for Joe Clark's Tories, or even Mulroney's, when who they're voting for is basically Darth Vader. One thing that heartens me is all the old folk on my block are going Liberal or NDP-- even a couple prior Cons. They are pissed about the mail cuts and what Harper did to the Wheat Board. Don't mess with old people and mail!

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Justin has nice hair
For sure, and I give him big respect for being into boxing. He beat the breaks off of juice head Brazeau a few years ago.

I'm not a big weed guy, but it's nice to know we may have a leader who's going to end the ridiculous marijuana prohibition and actually allow it to bring in taxes as opposed to just funding organized crime.



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Voting Liberal, won't be at all surprised if the Conservatives win again. 3 party systems don't work.


Throwing bombs & banging moms
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
For sure, and I give him big respect for being into boxing. He beat the breaks off of juice head Brazeau a few years ago.

I'm not a big weed guy, but it's nice to know we may have a leader who's going to end the ridiculous marijuana prohibition and actually allow it to bring in taxes as opposed to just funding organized crime.

Oregon state pulled in over 11 million in revenue in its first week of legalizing the marijuanas


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Canadia has elections and a government? I thought ya'll were kind of just there. Who knew?


Mammal of the Sea
Jan 20, 2015
liberal. i like justin's stance on weed. its time for them to finally legalize it.

i think harper was for the alberta tar sands pipeline too right?

theres that green party too. i want to read up on them sometime see what they are up to.

There was a funny interview with Harper when the reporter asked him his stance on abortion. and he goes "well i dont have to answer that" and the reporter has that perplexed look thinking "err... you are running for prime minister of course you do..."

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
There was a funny interview with Harper when the reporter asked him his stance on abortion. and he goes "well i dont have to answer that" and the reporter has that perplexed look thinking "err... you are running for prime minister of course you do..."
Yup, sounds about right haha

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
I work in the media here, he visited Newfoundland a week ago and refused all media and you had to be invited to attend his press conference. He had protesters lined up all around. Our Conservative premier thinks he sucks. Our former premier, Conservative Danny Williams, has urged all Newfoundlanders to vote for anyone but Conservative.