Cris Cyborg accuses Dana White, Ronda Rousey of 'bullying' her in Facebook rant

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TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
Also to be fair, folks did accuse Overeem of juicing due to appearance long before he actually got caught. Cris is similar in that her past physique looks suspicious. As fuck.


4070 = Legend
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Also to be fair, folks did accuse Overeem of juicing due to appearance long before he actually got caught. Cris is similar in that her past physique looks suspicious. As fuck.
The smell test.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
the fuck it does tarnish his legacy. Tarnishing his legacy would be killing some kids and saying he did it for satan or some shit. He's one of the top 5 of all time in mma.. So fuck this ideology that fighting a few times past your prime and losing tarnishes anything.
So abrasive bro :) You know I'm the biggest BJ nuthugger around, so dont take that post as me being derogatory. What I mean is, if BJ would have fought in his proper weight class for his entire career, he would likely be more like 24-2 and considered the GOAT...rather than 16-10 and one of the greats. His huge nads and drive to test himself against bigger men, skewed his win/loss record...and by association, possibly being considered the GOAT.

Fighting past his prime means nothing, with regards to his legacy or otherwise. Every great fighter has that fight in them, and that belief that they can still do it. Especially someone like BJ. I'll watch as long as he wants to continue doing it too.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
They're great points because everyone knows no Olympic athlete has ever used steroids.....
Some cheat, but it isn't right to paint everyone with the same brush because of the actions of a few. Ronda has never tested positive, Cyborg has. Women don't create much testosterone naturally, so the advantage gained from this cheating is even larger than in the male side of sport, when it comes to creating muscle.


I invented generators alongside Nikola Tesla
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Please. Ronda used PED's too, just not as much.
NO girl is born with traps like that, unless she's born in the Marvel Universe.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Please. Ronda used PED's too, just not as much.
NO girl is born with traps like that, unless she's born in the Marvel Universe.
To be fair, we dont know one way or the other if she has or hasn't. Regardless, the fact remains that Ronda is a pretty big 135er. So is Cat Zingano and Holly Holm.


I invented generators alongside Nikola Tesla
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
To be fair, we dont know one way or the other if she has or hasn't. Regardless, the fact remains that Ronda is a pretty big 135er. So is Cat Zingano and Holly Holm.
I injected her myself when we used to date, right before I dumped her


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
I think to directly address Cyborg's comment here, she's correct... She was/is still being bullied by Dana and Ronda. We all get that 4 years ago she tested positive for PED's, but it hasn't been about that. The comments from Ronda have been "she looks like a man in a dress", and Dana has been right there too with mocking her for her looks.

Cyborg's comments about Ronda falls under the "things every fighter says about another to sell a fight from the Roman Colosseum times til UFC 193".... It's the cliche bravado..... Cyborg is the only fighter who gets talked bad about because her looks. I find it funny that on ESPN the other day, they mentioned that Ronda was upset and threatened to kill someone if they called her fat (she does get up to 165-170 when she's out of competition), yet she'll trash Cyborg and say she looks like a man in a dress.

And Dana... The shining mouthpiece for modern MMA.... The guy who constantly badgers and ridicules fighters in the media, and makes improper comments..... Mr "So you want to be an F'N fighter (and even though I only fight my waistline and steroid up with Jay Glazer, I'll mock real fighters)" ....... I loss my point..... F@@k Dana, he's a bully
She gets told she looks like a man, because she used a hormone, which is a defining hormone for making men look like men, that women don't usually have a lot of, and it changed the way her body looks.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
She gets told she looks like a man, because she used a hormone, which is a defining hormone for making men look like men, that women don't usually have a lot of, and it changed the way her body looks.
She looks better now than she ever has. Frankly....2015 Cyborg....wood.



TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
To be fair, we dont know one way or the other if she has or hasn't. Regardless, the fact remains that Ronda is a pretty big 135er. So is Cat Zingano and Holly Holm.
If we are saying we don't know one way or the other, then that can be said of every fighter ever. We know Ronda has passed her tests, and been subject to much more stringent drug testing for a longer period of her life than Cyborg. Cyborg on the other hand has spent most of her career where tests were IQ tests, rather than stringent tests, and still failed one of them. Only recently has she become part of a more stringent drug testing process, and passed those tests. However, some say gains from steroid use can be maintained for up to 20 years from after use.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
However, some say gains from steroid use can be maintained for up to 20 years from after use.
Trust me, I know from personal experience that this is false. And all we know today is. Ronda: 0 failed test. Cyborg: 1 failed test. Anything else is conjecture really.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
The assumption that Cris Justino used steroids her entire career is baseless. Multiple failed tests by Barnett & Vitor would indicate steady usage, not one failed test by Justino.

I don't call Overeem nor Cerrone a chronic user because it's not a proven fact. One test is not a indicator repetitive behavior. She's passed more tests than she failed. Because I whored once doesn't make my vagina a chronic poon for play slit.

Dana was wrong for holding her up to ridicule, Ronda not really. As a potential competitor Ronda has the right to question her use based on a failure. She can be skeptical as could have White without trying to shame her as a woman.

I wish Cris would ease the fuck up on the purple eyeshadow and peach blush. Shit looks redickulous. I blame Tito's woman and have blocked her on Twitter for that cosmetic fuck shit :unamused:
It puts an asterix next to your career. If someone has decided to cheat once, they might have learnt their lesson, but there is still that lingering doubt that they have done it once and aren't above doing it.
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TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Trust me, I know from personal experience that this is false. And all we know today is. Ronda: 0 failed test. Cyborg: 1 failed test. Anything else is conjecture really.
It's not the actual muscle, but its the ability to recreate the muscle that was made that is retained.


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
It's not the actual muscle, but its the ability to recreate the muscle that was made that is retained.
Sure. But people state it as a fact and not speculation. One test isn't a preponderance of evidence when there are multiple tests that passed inspection.

We use Nick Diaz' two weed tests that passed to call the third into question but in Cris' case one failure of many passes is indicative of constant failures.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Yes. I don't think every Olympic athlete should be considered a PED user because some have tested positive for banned substances.
You honestly need to do more research about PED usage in the Olympics and pro-sports. Passing a test doesn't make you clean, not by a long shot.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
In short, the researchers found that even with several years of anabolic steroid withdrawal and a lack of strength training, important characteristics of muscle were permanently altered. These changes provide an advantage for strength performance and muscle growth many years after drug use has stopped.

Previous steroid use, even years earlier, will allow for more protein synthesis, faster protein deposition, and more rapid increases in muscle mass and strength.

Well there ya have it. I guess I need to get back in the gym then.


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
I'd totally use steriods personally. I want to ask my male fighter people but it'd be awkward bringing it up without making them think I'm accusing them of use.


4070 = Legend
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I'd totally use steriods personally. I want to ask my male fighter people but it'd be awkward bringing it up without making them think I'm accusing them of use.
Honestly, walk into any gym. Do a quick smell test, then approach whoever fails.

member 603

I'd totally use steriods personally. I want to ask my male fighter people but it'd be awkward bringing it up without making them think I'm accusing them of use.
Remember, banned substances or PED's aren't necessarily illegal in regular life. I know a fighter who also suffers from asthma, and he has a inhaler (which is a cortical steroid).... He almost failed a out of competition test due to having to use it.

As a non professional athlete, you can use it all day every day....... You should do it and document physical and athletic improvements.


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
Remember, banned substances or PED's aren't necessarily illegal in regular life. I know a fighter who also suffers from asthma, and he has a inhaler (which is a cortical steroid).... He almost failed a out of competition test due to having to use it.

As a non professional athlete, you can use it all day every day....... You should do it and document physical and athletic improvements.
the sell and purchase is illegal I thought? My doctor doesn't supply roid scripts