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Oct 24, 2015
Shit hit the fan yesterday. Was called in today to go to work. Someone had tested positive and they asked who he was in contact with. Gave all the names to the Round chain. So come Monday that whole department gets sent home. Now they are short people, and had the CDC or someone one from the Government there. Management was scared. No new cattle was bought in. Don't know if tomorrow they start knocking cows. The way things are going here, everyone getting sick or going to get sick. We are at half production right now. If they want it to stay open their going to need fresh people. Hopefully those people that cry about not having a job will apply at a meat packing plant. America needs you. Won't happen though. Also half or more than half of product goes over seas. China I believe. So there's that.

Deleted member 1

"Your Liberty To Swing Your Fist Ends Just Where My Nose Begins"

The world of infectious disease seems both applicable and complicated with this axiom.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Shit hit the fan yesterday. Was called in today to go to work. Someone had tested positive and they asked who he was in contact with. Gave all the names to the Round chain. So come Monday that whole department gets sent home. Now they are short people, and had the CDC or someone one from the Government there. Management was scared. No new cattle was bought in. Don't know if tomorrow they start knocking cows. The way things are going here, everyone getting sick or going to get sick. We are at half production right now. If they want it to stay open their going to need fresh people. Hopefully those people that cry about not having a job will apply at a meat packing plant. America needs you. Won't happen though. Also half or more than half of product goes over seas. China I believe. So there's that.
When you say "round chain" do you mean the top round? or is it section of the plant?


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
People still gonna be hating on hunters when there isn't any meat at the grocery?

Might pop that turkey tonight.


Jun 23, 2015
In large areas of the country this continues to be a giant nothingburger.

There are some counties that still don't have a single case. As in zero.

Why should they stay locked down just because some areas of the country are still fucked?

This thing needs to be managed from a local level, and many areas of the country need to get back to work. The sooner the better.
Because people are morons. Example, if Oregon opens all its bars, hotels, restaurants, Californians will be legging it there and then potentially bringing the virus back. I know I may be over hamming it because I'm at risk lung wise with it but cross contamination between states is scary.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
People still gonna be hating on hunters when there isn't any meat at the grocery?

Might pop that turkey tonight.
The main reason people hate hunters is because hunters always insist on telling everyone that they are hunters.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Because people are morons. Example, if Oregon opens all its bars, hotels, restaurants, Californians will be legging it there and then potentially bringing the virus back. I know I may be over hamming it because I'm at risk lung wise with it but cross contamination between states is scary.
Herd immunity would go a long way to help the situation.
The main reason people hate hunters is because hunters always insist on telling everyone that they are hunters.
I'm not a hunter.

But I might get me a turkey or a deer if the meat disappears from the grocery.

Maybe I'll just go fishing. That's not as messy.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
oregon population 4.2 million
california population 39 million
Because people are morons. Example, if Oregon opens all its bars, hotels, restaurants, Californians will be legging it there and then potentially bringing the virus back. I know I may be over hamming it because I'm at risk lung wise with it but cross contamination between states is scary.
and this place won't open up quick it is full of democrats trying to blame everything on orange man bad just like Cali


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
If I was forced to wear one and ended up getting sick because of it, 100% I would have sued his ass.
Sick from wearing a mask? If everybody else is wearing a mask? I'd say your chances are considerably reduced. This is just basic science and common sense. You wear that thing to protect others, and I wear mine to protect you, but that may be a foreign concept for Americans.

Mask don't protect me? then fuck it!

Masks right now are the only way back to (somewhat) normalcy. You want to protect the kid in the grocery store working to get you your groceries? wear a mask.

Eric Trump

Nov 21, 2017
Sick from wearing a mask? If everybody else is wearing a mask? I'd say your chances are considerably reduced. This is just basic science and common sense. You wear that thing to protect others, and I wear mine to protect you, but that may be a foreign concept for Americans.

Mask don't protect me? then fuck it!

Masks right now are the only way back to (somewhat) normalcy. You want to protect the kid in the grocery store working to get you your groceries? wear a mask.
if you are wearing a mask you are breathing carbon dioxide you just breathed out


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Sick from wearing a mask? If everybody else is wearing a mask? I'd say your chances are considerably reduced. This is just basic science and common sense. You wear that thing to protect others, and I wear mine to protect you, but that may be a foreign concept for Americans.

Mask don't protect me? then fuck it!

Masks right now are the only way back to (somewhat) normalcy. You want to protect the kid in the grocery store working to get you your groceries? wear a mask.
Masks lead to increased face-touching, which is by far the more common way this thing spreads.

When it isn't spread by touching contaminated items and then touching your eyes or mouth, it's spread by droplets from coughing and sneezing. If a person isn't coughing or sneezing a mask is completely unnecessary and can actually cause more harm than good when worn by someone not used to wearing one.

If I get sick and am coughing and sneezing, I will wear one.

If I'm around someone who is coughing and sneezing, I'll not only wear a mask but also a face shield because a mask will do fuck-all if a sick person sneezes around you.

But until either of those scenarios happen, I'm just going to keep my distance from folks and wash my hands constantly.

Deleted member 1

People still gonna be hating on hunters when there isn't any meat at the grocery?

Might pop that turkey tonight.
It seems so unlikely that we would have massive meat shortages unless meat pricing contracts are such that future meat is already sold.
As you see plants wind down I would expect to see meat prices go up.
Demand would then start to shift away to less expensive products.

Actually I support this fully as a long-term measure. Most people don't need to eat as much meat as they do. Our cheap meat system results in a lot of rotgut meat practices. It might be a bit elitist, but meat should cost more and it should be higher quality and the animals should be treated better. And yes that means poor people will not be able to eat as much meat.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
Masks lead to increased face-touching, which is by far the more common way this thing spreads.
Who the fuck says this? A mask makes one more aware of face touching and there's this barrier that prevents you from touching the mouth and nose, the exact thing you don't want to do.
If I'm around someone who is coughing and sneezing, I'll not only wear a mask but also a face shield because a mask will do fuck-all if a sick person sneezes around you.
Again, the masks is to protect others, not yourself. People can't seem to grasp this, to having to do something for the benefit of others. Asian cultures get this.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Here is Amy Acton, director of Ohio Department of Heath, carrying her mask after her presser walking shoulder to shoulder with Gov DeWine today.

If her hands were contaminated, now her mask is too. What happens when she puts it back on?

And this is someone in the health field. But they want everyone to wear one?

Bad idea.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Again, the masks is to protect others, not yourself. People can't seem to grasp this, to having to do something for the benefit of others. Asian cultures get this.
From what?

If I'm not coughing, sneezing and am staying 6 ft away - there is zero chance of me spreading it.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
A mask makes one more aware of face touching and there's this barrier that prevents you from touching the mouth and nose, the exact thing you don't want to do.
I see people wearing masks all the time.
I see them fidgeting with them all the time.

The biggest rule is wash your hands and don't touch your let's mandate something that increases face touching?

It doesn't matter. They already lifted the order after less than a day. Someone likely informed them how galactically stupid forcing everyone to wear a mask at all times was.

Eric Trump

Nov 21, 2017
we have been forced to wear masks everywhere we go for at least two months now. Everyone I know is fed up with it. And I wasnt joking. Breathing co2 can make you sick/dizzy, which is precisely what you are doing when wearing a mask
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Deleted member 1

we have been forced to wear masks everywhere we go for at least two months now. Everyone I know is fed up with it. And I wasnt joking. Breathing co2 can make you sick/dizzy, which is precisely what you are doing when wearing a mask

I'm dizzy