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Le Chat Noir

Le Chat Noir ©
Jan 28, 2020
He will walk it.

Only morons will vote for trump. There's a lot of them in America. More than you've ever seen. In bigly numbers. But not enough.

Trump will probably start a war before he is kicked out of the white House

Morons being people who don't want to vote with the hard left turn to socialism by the Democratic party?

Aside from triggering you emotional dolts what has he really done? Loosen some restrictions, made some offensive comments,
but mainly had the economy going in the right direction before covid. That's it. Oh the horror!

Meanwhile the left has rioted in the streets with feminists, black lives matter, antifa communist, trying to shut down any opposing opinions
at conventions, in the news, and on social media, your political leaders telling people to confront conservatives wherever they find them, then going on a 2 year witch hunt over a fake dossier, and trying to ruin a Judge based on a lie...typical leftist tolerance.

You people are unhinged, and correcting you is tiresome.

Le Chat Noir

Le Chat Noir

Le Chat Noir ©
Jan 28, 2020
I may just be ignorant here but I feel like all the two party system does is force people to choose a side. Once people choose their side it just turns into my side versus yours and here's why I'm right and you're wrong. It's just basic tribalism to me, no different than someone having a favorite sports team and only riding with them no matter what. I also think that this 2 team system creates division amongst the people. Why can't we all be on the same team just trying to elect the best leader possible no matter what team he's on?

Well it seems you are incredibly ignorant. It's not about the leaders or teams, you have two sides with opposing philosophies for how to live that have serious consequences.

I have no problem saying Trump is a loud mouth that has made some stupid comments. So has Biden, Pelosi, and most everyone in DC.

The point is you either want a society of free men and women and the risk and reward that goes with being free or you want to follow the democrats down their path towards socialism. Well we've seen the results of socialism, a 100% failure on economics and human rights. The only thing that allows people to buy into their failed philosophy is their rhetoric about sexism, racism, class warfare, etc... because they cannot stand on their track record.Historically speaking, there is no debate.

You can't decide between the two? Now that's pathetic.

Le Chat Noir


Nov 14, 2019
Covid is breaking le shat noir.

We must rally round and get him some poor people to throw stones at from his atrium


Better than you !
Mar 20, 2020
Well it seems you are incredibly ignorant. It's not about the leaders or teams, you have two sides with opposing philosophies for how to live that have serious consequences.

I have no problem saying Trump is a loud mouth that has made some stupid comments. So has Biden, Pelosi, and most everyone in DC.

The point is you either want a society of free men and women and the risk and reward that goes with being free or you want to follow the democrats down their path towards socialism. Well we've seen the results of socialism, a 100% failure on economics and human rights. The only thing that allows people to buy into their failed philosophy is their rhetoric about sexism, racism, class warfare, etc... because they cannot stand on their track record.Historically speaking, there is no debate.

You can't decide between the two? Now that's pathetic.

Le Chat Noir
Take a deep breath

Le Chat Noir

Le Chat Noir ©
Jan 28, 2020
Covid is breaking le shat noir.

We must rally round and get him some poor people to throw stones at from his atrium

I wonder what it is in the upbringing of you lads that you think someone can't just state the facts without being angry?
I'm guessing a combination of bipolar single mothers, zero male influence, mood altering drugs, and a proper public school indoctrination.

It's ok boys, we'll get you into a program and see if we can't make men of you yet.

Poor people are disgusting, smelly, ignorant, and so criminal minded that decent people had to start making all of our communities gated.
Hell, we live on an island AND we still have a guarded gate to keep the trash out. Yuck.

Le Chat Noir



Feb 7, 2020
He will walk it.

Only morons will vote for trump. There's a lot of them in America. More than you've ever seen. In bigly numbers. But not enough.

Trump will probably start a war before he is kicked out of the white House
Well, that would certainly make things interesting, wouldn't it.


member 3289

So are the Trumptards gonna cry if Ginsberg dies and the Dems stonewall the appointment of a new SC justice until after the election, just like Republicans did at the end of Obama's last term?


Dec 15, 2018
So are the Trumptards gonna cry if Ginsberg dies and the Dems stonewall the appointment of a new SC justice until after the election, just like Republicans did at the end of Obama's last term?
This fucking guy^
The Republicans run the Senate/show so Cocaine Mitch will do whatever the fook he wants. Ginsburg fucked up by not retiring thinking Hillary would win for sure and now she has to stay on at all costs with cancer and such so Trump won't replace her with the our girl Amy Coney Barrett. Her staying on is elder abuse just like Joe Biden running as the Democratic nominee for President...


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
So are the Trumptards gonna cry if Ginsberg dies and the Dems stonewall the appointment of a new SC justice until after the election, just like Republicans did at the end of Obama's last term?
Dems are already pulling the weekend-at-bernie thing with that old bat. What is she? 90?

She forgets her teeth once a week and has lost the ability to control her bowel movements - but she's still influencing laws for our country. Awesome.


Nov 14, 2019
Dems are already pulling the weekend-at-bernie thing with that old bat. What is she? 90?

She forgets her teeth once a week and has lost the ability to control her bowel movements - but she's still influencing laws for our country. Awesome.

I bet she doesn't like boofing beer either!

Its a disgrace.