He will walk it.
Only morons will vote for trump. There's a lot of them in America. More than you've ever seen. In bigly numbers. But not enough.
Trump will probably start a war before he is kicked out of the white House
Morons being people who don't want to vote with the hard left turn to socialism by the Democratic party?
Aside from triggering you emotional dolts what has he really done? Loosen some restrictions, made some offensive comments,
but mainly had the economy going in the right direction before covid. That's it. Oh the horror!
Meanwhile the left has rioted in the streets with feminists, black lives matter, antifa communist, trying to shut down any opposing opinions
at conventions, in the news, and on social media, your political leaders telling people to confront conservatives wherever they find them, then going on a 2 year witch hunt over a fake dossier, and trying to ruin a Judge based on a lie...typical leftist tolerance.
You people are unhinged, and correcting you is tiresome.
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