So it's not a supply issue?
The only test I have available through our lab company has a 4 page pui (person under investigation) form and they are prioritized based on medical need. Not based on first come first serve.
Almost invariably in the outpatient setting you're not going to be very acute. As such your test is going to take days to weeks to run.
That means the only test coming back quickly are those done by really sick people in the emergency department and the inpatient setting.
But most people get their care in the outpatient setting. It's most cases are not that acute.
And what a patient really wants to know is if they are going to infect others and what they need to do is guidance. This slow and random testing response results I mean not having very good guidance. "Well I can run this test but then I need you to quarantine and I'm not sure how long it will take".
We don't have consistent guidance or fast consistent testing. And I have no treatment. Sooooooo....