member 3289
Hard to say. Numbers across the state are generally trending downwards, which is a good thing because testing has increased.What do Florida's numbers look like after a week of relative normalcy?
I live in South Florida, a region of three counties (Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade) that comprise the Miami metropolitan area. Today is Broward's first day back because we have the second-highest number of cases in the state. The South Florida region contains 30% of the population but 60% of all cases, so our counties had to wait a little longer to reopen.
The state minus our three counties reopened on May 4 at 25% capacity for restaurants, retail outlets, and hair salons.Palm Beach County reopened on May 11 despite not having met voluntary federal guidelines before reopening. The last two counties (Broward and Miami-Dade) reopen today. Restaurants/retail outlets/hair salons are at 50% capacity because restaurant owners complained they couldn't make money at 25% capacity. The governor unsurprisingly raised the restaurant/retail capacity to 50% statewide so that other counties wouldn't complain.
The governor also announced that gyms could reopen today. My county blocked that though. The city of Fort Lauderdale is fighting Broward's order and has said it will allow gyms to reopen. I'm hoping there's a Mexican standoff between the city police force and the county Sheriff's office but it will probably be handled peacefully. I don't see the city being able to go through with the gym thing. It's fucking Fort Lauderdale, not NYC or even Miami ffs. They're not important enough to do their own thing.
Beaches will reopen in Broward next Tuesday, the day after Memorial Day so as to avoid large crowds on a holiday traditionally associated with outdoor activities and barbecues. Beaches reopen in Palm Beach today. Not sure when Miami-Dade is reopening theirs. Who really fucking cares (a lot of people, just not me) because Miami-Dade is a shithole.
tl; dr - Ask me again in a week or two.