If you read the article, the headline really doesn't do it justice at all. The article is about many different problems being faced right now because of lockdown.
A lot of kids, if they slip up and their parents figure out they're gay, are just being thrown into the street. Because of the virus and past abuse, the first-time homeless are not sure they should be going to the shelters offered.
A lot of teens and others who aren't thrown out but are being abused are using apps to find "sex work". They agree to sleep with a stranger in exchange for a place to stay away from home for the night. Sometimes they're forced to do things they don't want to, etc. But the article says this type of exchange is happening a lot more due to the lockdown and people trying to escape abusive families, because people can't go to friends' houses or clubs . Because it's lgbt support groups reporting this, there isn't really information about whether the same thing is happening to straight people, but of course it could be.
The bit about domestic abuse by teens against their parents gives the impression that could be a problem across the board, not just in LGBT-parented homes.
I think the lady in the picture is the one they talk about whose neighbor or roommate (I couldn't tell) in her coop has been home doing drugs and throwing crazy parties. When she complained, the neighbor started threatening her. After a couple of calls to the police about it, instead of doing something about the woman, the coop basically just told them to work it out, and the lady who was threatened felt so unsafe she fled to go live back home with her elderly dad in her homophobic hometown.
The other problem they talk about is partner abuse in lockdown, and they attribute a lot of extra violence to people turning to alcohol abuse because their regular drugs aren't available. So of course that can also be a problem for straight couples too.