Ric Flair lives in a big house.
She might just be doing coke upstairs in the tub like the chick in scarface.
“My wife does [have the virus]… we live in a 5,000 square foot home. I live in the basement. She lives upstairs on the third floor and she got sick.”
So he's wife tested positive and the article also says he did also but a mask is to much of a ask to keep others safe. He is rich and famous enough to have costume masks made that are as comfortable as a mouth full of Ariana grandes pussy but nope, no need cause he got a big house so obviously he NEVER has contact with his wife.
My little rant-
It is amazing to me that people have been asked to do one little thing to help protect themselves and others and a huge portion simply refuse. It would be like if during plague times people refused to stop feeding rats except now we are supposed to know better.
Does anyone have any idea what a fucking nightmare it is to completely gown from head to toe wearing two masks just to simply adjust a patient's pillow or any of the hundreds of simple tasks that people request, all while politicians, celebrities, and sports stars make millions sitting on their asses while people die.