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member 1013

And lol at Zeph @Zeph rustling all those jimmies.
I don't think he fully believes what he wrote there. It doesn't make a lot of sense.

We have a mixture of privately-owned, company-owned, and non-profit cooperatives-owned housing. Usually the non-profit ones are comparatively cheaper in rent and take better care of their properties.
But there is a case for all of them.

The most problematic ones are the very large corporations listed on the stock exchange that pay big dividends but try to fuck over the tenants by constantly raising prices, cutting back the service, and even fraudulent behavior as to please the share holders.
Its kinda proven it has not lead to better housing or a better market for tenants.
Because of that, in Berlin an other cities we currently have a "rental price break" in place.
This of course hits every landlord and is not without its problems either.
Our jimmies aren’t too rustled, we’re trying to educate the lil feller. When he moves out of moms house real life is going to be hard on him.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
The "landlords do nothing" crowd are almost entirely people that live in high cost of living areas and refuse to consider ever moving to anywhere else that would allow them rapid ownership. There I said it. Change my mind.
They also generally have useless university degrees.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I get his is low payed workers making this complaint, and maybe they should be payed more... but you dont hear doctors, nurses, trades people or numerous other folk complaining who have been wearing masks for most of their careers.
What trades wear masks for most of their careers?


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Residential painters don't, but yes, autobody painters do. Granted the ones I've met do complain about wearing masks, they just don't want to die and are paid handsomely.
So you agree auto body painters are tradesmen who wear masks all the time?


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Member when I clawed my way up as a lowly construction worker by leveraging my business into a high stakes loan and then built housing with my own two hands and then I rented it all as subsidized housing? Member when I still put 40-60 hours into that on top of my actual career? Good thing I don’t work or add any value.
Right, so your work built the value of the house that you own and still have. The rents are adding no extra value just extracting wealth from people who work(for the most part). You can sell the house/housing at anytime and recieve the value of your work.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Right, so your work built the value of the house that you own and still have. The rents are adding no extra value just extracting wealth from people who work(for the most part). You can sell the house/housing at anytime and recieve the value of your work.
Zeph @Zeph, have you ever done anything of value?


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I am thinking of suing myself for some stuff
my properties are shitholes

member 1013

Right, so your work built the value of the house that you own and still have. The rents are adding no extra value just extracting wealth from people who work(for the most part). You can sell the house/housing at anytime and recieve the value of your work.
Right everyone is lining up to buy subsidized housing lololol