That is your opinion gathered from your personal experiences.
Nothing wrong with that.
Doesn't make it accurate or fact but I respect that take.
I can see rabid pro mask or rabid anti mask parents making a kid stress out about things they don't understand.
My opinion is that it may really mess with a kid during developmental years to wear a mask and not be allowed to view faces and expressions and learn the communication lessons that come with that part of human interaction.
I know people in medical settings that are experiencing much more scared children and some of those kids feel much better when the medical providing professionals take the mask off so they can read expressions and sense kindness. I have heard this from multiple doctors and assistants, it makes sense to discuss and consider it.
I enjoy the discussion, many things about these mandates and lockdowns are not being discussed and are being taken as "expert medical advice" when in fact they are not.
I want the best for the generation that is young during this time, they truly are the future of out country.
First off, if the doctor takes off their mask, I'm taking my child and leaving.
Secondly, fear from children at the doctor's office is a common thing after they can retain memories and get their first shot. I never told my kids they were going to the doctor until we were ready to leave. Because then it starts, "what are they going to do, momma?", "am I going to get a shot today?" And let that nurse walk in and put on gloves. You better be set like a defense football player. That child is about to hit you hard and climb up over your head. So it isn't just the mask.
Splinty spoke of dealing with this early on, wearing masks with kid friendly stuff on it. They also wear clear masks. Every medical professional has to deal with some level of fear from patients. Nothing new here.
Furthermore, every child I've dealt with or seen is coping with it much better than their parents. With a child after about two weeks it's normal already.
Homeschooled children do fine. Children that grew up before schools weren't mentally fucked up (at least Not all)
Not one doctor I know with smaller school age children are sending them back to school right now. Not one.
Kids mostly learn facial expressions, etc from their parents, not strangers on the street.
Kids are major drivers of corona viruses. I don't see why this viruswould be any different. The best decision they made was shutting schools down quickly.
The major problem with schools being out is the burden on the parents and the child may be missing meals. Other than that, the kids will mentally handle this way better than the adults.