Deleted member 1

Alright, so here goes:
Game stop is a dying business. Downloaded games etc gonna wreck it. It's dying and nearly dead.
Big hedgefunds bet that its dead. They are shorting the stock which requires borrowing shares at a future expected price (down) to make profit.
Reddit idiots get together, and largely using Robinhood (stock app), buy the shit out of game stop in unison. The stock shoots up as they all buy and run the price up.
Uh oh, hedge fund is betting the stock is going down. It's shooting the moon. wtf?
Hedgefund can take the L and lose money (rule #1 don't lose money!) or they can pull more bets that the future price is gonna crash. But that requires them borrowing shares (more demand!) the stock price goes higher! Reddit idiots buy more!
If you are a reddit idiot you pay 5 bucks to get game stop and it goes to 100. You sell it off and you might start a run on the stock. Next guy out and the next and the next. The hedgefund makes money as the price collapsed. But maybe you are driving by something bigger? Meme life. So you want to see the hedgefund lose.
So you don't sell for a profit and instead just keep buying!

Yes some are making 4 milion dollars in a day and holding! Buying more! And because of the feedback loop (idiots knowing it'll go up more tomorrow while loving the excitement of challenging the hedgefunds bets all while the hedgefund keeps taking bigger bets assumign they have more cash than the idiots) the price keeps shooting up!

Highest traded stock on the market.
So what happens if the fund runs out of money to keep making new bets to cover the old bets, hoping they can outlast the idiot money???
Well they fold from no liquid cash like Melvin Capital did today...
Citadel, Point72 Back Melvin With $2.75 Billion After Losses
(Bloomberg) -- Hedge fund titans Ken Griffin and Steve Cohen boosted Gabe Plotkin’s Melvin Capital, injecting a total of $2.75 billion into the firm after it lost about 30% this year.Citadel funds and firm partners will invest $2 billion, while Point72 Asset Management’s investment will be $750...