Turns out, Blackguard owns 13.2% of GME — 11,271,702 shares. And they just sold 2,054,367 shares to bail someone out for over $400mill. How do we know? Because of
this SEC document filed
today (also see
And what happened at EOD today? Price exploded to $240 for a moment as these got bought. Lines up. This is the smoking gun to signal the action.
At conservative estimates there are at least 50,000,000 short positions yet to cover. Blackrock is their last life line and will only hold out for so long. Once Blackrock goes it's a fucking free for all. All the shorts who have yet to cover are fucked. Completely fucked.
At $200, 50,000,000 shares is $10bn. But $10bn is literally GME's market cap. To get rid of $10bn in GME shorts they'll be at least doubling the price/market cap, so by the second that $10bn loss is going to be grow, and grow. Doubling, tripling, quadrupling even.