Very sadA phenomenon that is most intriguing is the scenario of the parents being Q followers, when the children are not
Yea, that's been talked about for awhile on the QAnon survivors subreddit. That shit is insane.Never thought about this until mentioned in the video. One of the girls fears a scenario where Q advises everyone to take their own lives, and there is a mass suicide![]()
*Bites tongue on how sad this would be*Never thought about this until mentioned in the video. One of the girls fears a scenario where Q advises everyone to take their own lives, and there is a mass suicide![]()
I see someone is a bit spicy today!!!!!!!*Bites tongue on how sad this would be*
Ohhhhh changed my flair from agree to evil laugh hahah. I see what you mean now*Bites tongue on how sad this would be*
I think I’m in love lolHe's a cop who quit and now has like a skate shop, youtube channel, and moved to Texas.
His wife/gf might not appreciate that!!!!!!!!!I think I’m in love lol
That’s okay, I have zero chance with him and that mustache, so no biggie.His wife/gf might not appreciate that!!!!!!!!!
Way to pander to mass hysteria.Never thought about this until mentioned in the video. One of the girls fears a scenario where Q advises everyone to take their own lives, and there is a mass suicide![]()
Serious question. Are your posts serious or are you just being silly?Way to pander to mass hysteria.
More cult conflation.
Weird how they still can't attack Q posts.
Only messengers.
Pharisees are their own problem.
Some.Serious question. Are your posts serious or are you just being silly?
Im pretty trusting. Or rather, gullible or maybe just dense. So I take people at their word. So sarcasm and humor often goes over my head
I took a hiatus for a few months, came back with a fresh mind, and think I now have a better grip on a bunch of the tmmacers here and their tone/delivery/intent yadda yadda
But you are still an anomaly to me
Am I correct to take most of your comments as serious statements?
I don't go on reddit, so I'm not familiar with Qs postsSome.
Lots of things can be boiled down to exact statements.
Weird how there's been 4 years of attacks towards Q posts, and none refer to Q posts, only messengers, or "interpreters".
If it's such a baseless conspiracy, address the posts.
It's not that hard.
Instead, all they've (mainstream media) done is turn the light away from Epstein, Maxwell and their cohorts.
Leaving out the fact they were free to come and go in the Whitehouse as they pleased, through 3 Presidencies.
Forget about the fact u/maxwellhill on Reddit hasn't posted anything since a couple of days before she was arrested.
Forget about the fact that Disney offered scuba cruises to Little Saint James.
Forget about the fact that Slick Willy Clinton flew on the Lolita Express 26x.
Forget about the fact that Kevin Spacey and Maxwell have pics of them on the throne at Buckingham Palace.
Forget about the fact she attended Chelsea Clinton's wedding.
Forget about the fact she's tied up with Sylvia Earle through Terramar.
Sylvia Earle, who spent a lot of time with Maggie Nixon, and Obama at Martha's Vineyard.
Maggie Nixon, who's mother, Sarah, celebrates her birthday with James Alefantis.
Obama, who 10 years later bought the same property, despite climate warnings.
Must be a source of good memories.
Don't worry, it's all specualtion.
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Don't compare Mcanns pupils to Soros'.
Re: Interesting news - WikiLeaks
From: To: Jesus Sent from my iPhone On Feb 9 2016 at 12 47 PM John Podesta john.podesta wrote Our secret plan. Forwarded message From Thomas DELONGE t.delonge Date Tuesday February 9 2016 Subject Interesting news
CNN wouldn't lie to you.
Q posts weren't on Reddit.I don't go on reddit, so I'm not familiar with Qs posts
But didn't Q post a date which passed. And then another date which passed, etc?
And didn't Q anon allege to politicians being Satan worshipping petifiles that drink the blood of children?
Or is that stuff all just the Q fans making up theories, but not from Q itself?
Never thought about this until mentioned in the video. One of the girls fears a scenario where Q advises everyone to take their own lives, and there is a mass suicide![]()
Yea, that's been talked about for awhile on the QAnon survivors subreddit. That shit is insane.
all off a CNN piece?*Bites tongue on how sad this would be*
While I don't think that no content and just the messenger was attacked here, you are seeing it the wrong way as well.Weird how there's been 4 years of attacks towards Q posts, and none refer to Q posts, only messengers, or "interpreters".
Facts presented in a socratic way.While I don't think that no content and just the messenger was attacked here, you are seeing it the wrong way as well.
If someone thinks tarot cards are bullshit its normal to call someone using em a scam artist.
There is no need to delve into the realm of tarot to pick it apart to someone who will not see sense anyway.
In fact it's more to warn others from not falling into the trap.
This is just another tactic by worshippers who want people to delve into it and maybe a couple get hooked. Just as scientology and other crap cults.
The fact that you even had to write "interpreters" should tell you everything you need to know. It is vague, nebulous and mysterious by design for various reasons. Can you think of any?
If anybody wanted to bring truth to the world this is not how it would be done. It's as simple as that.
You even try to take on the same style of posting as a Q post. It's at the same time hilarious but also a sign how deep you are in, and that you are consciously or unconsciously trying to recruit new believers here.
I have no idea what you just posted after a couple of lines.Facts presented in a socratic way.
Discussion is great.
Funny, really.
"Interpreters" is vague by design. There are many, many people who built a platform with a core of subscribers on this, whatever it was.
Austin Steinbart was a major example of persons profiting off Q posts. There were plenty more, and I'm sure many were posted by people in this thread. There was a running term "Q decoders", and many of these people were the ones selling merch. These were the people "leading the charge", the biggest targets to pin a label on.
It worked, to an extent.
Not unsurprisingly.
Here's a really fun, quick, thought experiment;
Remember the bitcoin scam last year?
2020 Twitter account hijacking - Wikipedia
Guess which high profile political/business personality didn't get hit?
Probably means pretty secure access to Trump's twitter account, right?
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I don't like lines everywhere, either.And fyi the trend since a couple years to slap arrows and circles on every fucking picture or yt vid has been getting on my nerves from day one. I'm not an idiot devoid of any span of attention. So by default I avoid any Form of it, this included.