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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Marc Dubois - Captain
Pierre-Cédric Bonin - Copilot
David Robert - Copilot
FA - Flight Attendant
Translated from French
[comments added by this website from Popular Mechanics article]

02:06:50 (Bonin)
Let's go for the anti-icing system. It's better than nothing.

[Because they are flying through clouds, the pilots turn on the anti-icing system to try to keep ice off the flight surfaces; ice reduces the plane's aerodynamic efficiency, weighs it down, and in extreme cases, can cause it to crash.]

02:07:00 (Bonin) We seem to be at the end of the cloud layer, it might be okay.

02:08:03 (Robert) You can possibly pull it a little to the left.

02:08:05 (Bonin) You can possibly pull it a little to the left. We're agreed that we're in manual, yeah?

[An alarm sounds for 2.2 seconds, indicating that the autopilot is disconnecting. The cause is the fact that the plane's pitot tubes, externally mounted sensors that determine air speed, have iced over, so the human pilots will now have to fly the plane by hand. Aside from the loss of airspeed indication, everything is working fine. Neither Bonin nor Roberts has ever received training in how to deal with an unreliable airspeed indicator at cruise altitude, or in flying the airplane by hand under such conditions.

02:10:06 (Bonin) I have the controls.
02:10:07 (Robert) Okay.

[Perhaps spooked by everything that has unfolded over the past few minutes—the turbulence, the strange electrical phenomena, his colleague's failure to route around the potentially dangerous storm—Bonin reacts irrationally. He pulls back on the side stick to put the airplane into a steep climb. Almost as soon as Bonin pulls up into a climb, the plane's computer reacts. A warning chime alerts the cockpit to the fact that they are leaving their programmed altitude. Then the stall warning sounds. This is a synthesized human voice that repeatedly calls out, "Stall!" in English, followed by a loud and intentionally annoying sound called a "cricket."]

02:10:07 (Robert) What's this?

02:10:15 (Bonin) There's no good... there's no good speed indication.

02:10:16 (Robert) We've lost the, the, the speeds, then?
[The plane is soon climbing at a blistering rate of 7000 feet per minute. While it is gaining altitude, it is losing speed, until it is crawling along at only 93 knots, a speed more typical of a small Cessna than an airliner. Robert notices Bonin's error and tries to correct him.]

02:10:27 (Robert) Pay attention to your speed. Pay attention to your speed.

02:10:28 (Bonin) Okay, okay, I'm descending.

02:10:30 (Robert Stabilize.
02:10:31 (Bonin) Yeah.

02:10:31 (Robert) Descend... It says we're going up... It says we're going up, so descend.
02:10:36 (Robert) Descend!

02:10:37 (Bonin)
Here we go, we're descending.

02:10:38 (Robert) Gently!
[Bonin eases the back pressure on the stick, and the plane gains speed as its climb becomes more shallow. It accelerates to 223 knots. The stall warning falls silent. For a moment, the co-pilots are in control of the airplane.]

02:10:41(Bonin) We're... yeah, we're in a climb.

02:10:49 (Robert) Damn it, where is he?

02:10:55 (Robert) Damn it!

[Another of the pitot tubes begins to function once more. The cockpit's avionics are now all functioning normally. The flight crew has all the information that they need to fly safely, and all the systems are fully functional. The problems that occur from this point forward are entirely due to human error.]

02:11:03 (Bonin) I'm in TOGA, huh? [Bonin's statement here offers a crucial window onto his reasoning. TOGA is an acronym for Take Off, Go Around. When a plane is taking off or aborting a landing—"going around"—it must gain both speed and altitude as efficiently as possible. At this critical phase of flight, pilots are trained to increase engine speed to the TOGA level and raise the nose to a certain pitch angle. Clearly, here Bonin is trying to achieve the same effect: He wants to increase speed and to climb away from danger. But he is not at sea level; he is in the far thinner air of 37,500 feet. The engines generate less thrust here, and the wings generate less lift. Raising the nose to a certain angle of pitch does not result in the same angle of climb, but far less. Indeed, it can—and will—result in a descent.]

02:11:06 (Robert) Damn it, is he coming or not?

[The plane now reaches its maximum altitude. With engines at full power, the nose pitched upward at an angle of 18 degrees, it moves horizontally for an instant and then begins to sink back toward the ocean. ]
02:11:21 (Robert) We still have the engines! What the hell is happening? I don't understand what's happening.

[Robert has no idea that, despite their conversation about descending, Bonin has continued to pull back on the side stick. The men are utterly failing to engage in an important process known as crew resource management, or CRM. They are failing, essentially, to cooperate. It is not clear to either one of them who is responsible for what, and who is doing what. This is a natural result of having two co-pilots flying the plane. "When you have a captain and a first officer in the cockpit, it's clear who's in charge. The vertical speed toward the ocean accelerates. If Bonin were to let go of the controls, the nose would fall and the plane would regain forward speed. But because he is holding the stick all the way back, the nose remains high and the plane has barely enough forward speed for the controls to be effective. As turbulence continues to buffet the plane, it is nearly impossible to keep the wings level. ]

02:11:32 (Bonin) Damn it, I don't have control of the plane, I don't have control of the plane at all!

02:11:37 (Robert) Left seat taking control!

[At last, the more senior of the pilots (and the one who seems to have a somewhat better grasp of the situation) now takes control of the airplane. Unfortunately, he, too, seems unaware of the fact that the plane is now stalled, and pulls back on the stick as well. Although the plane's nose is pitched up, it is descending at a 40-degree angle. The stall warning continues to sound. At any rate, Bonin soon after takes back the controls.

A minute and a half after the crisis began, the captain returns to the cockpit. The stall warning continues to blare. ]
02:11:43 (Captain) What the hell are you doing?

02:11:45 (Bonin) We've lost control of the plane!

02:11:47 (Robert) We've totally lost control of the plane. We don't understand at all... We've tried everything.

[By now the plane has returned to its initial altitude but is falling fast. With its nose pitched 15 degrees up, and a forward speed of 100 knots, it is descending at a rate of 10,000 feet per minute, at an angle of 41.5 degrees. It will maintain this attitude with little variation all the way to the sea. Though the pitot tubes are now fully functional, the forward airspeed is so low—below 60 knots—that the angle-of-attack inputs are no longer accepted as valid, and the stall-warning horn temporarily stops. This may give the pilots the impression that their situation is improving, when in fact it signals just the reverse.

[The captain of the flight makes no attempt to physically take control of the airplane. Had Dubois done so, he almost certainly would have understood, as a pilot with many hours flying light airplanes, the insanity of pulling back on the controls while stalled. But instead, he takes a seat behind the other two pilots.]

02:12:14 (Robert) What do you think? What do you think? What should we do?

[As the stall warning continues to blare, the three pilots discuss the situation with no hint of understanding the nature of their problem. No one mentions the word "stall." As the plane is buffeted by turbulence, the captain urges Bonin to level the wings—advice that does nothing to address their main problem. The men briefly discuss, incredibly, whether they are in fact climbing or descending, before agreeing that they are indeed descending. As the plane approaches 10,000 feet, Robert tries to take back the controls, and pushes forward on the stick, but the plane is in "dual input" mode, and so the system averages his inputs with those of Bonin, who continues to pull back. The nose remains high.

02:13:40 (Robert) Climb... climb... climb... climb...
02:13:40 (Bonin) But I've had the stick back the whole time!

[At last, Bonin tells the others the crucial fact whose import he has so grievously failed to understand himself.]

02:13:42 (Captain) No, no, no... Don't climb... no, no.
02:13:43 (Robert) Descend, then... Give me the controls... Give me the controls!

[Bonin yields the controls, and Robert finally puts the nose down. The plane begins to regain speed. But it is still descending at a precipitous angle. As they near 2000 feet, the aircraft's sensors detect the fast-approaching surface and trigger a new alarm. There is no time left to build up speed by pushing the plane's nose forward into a dive. At any rate, without warning his colleagues, Bonin once again takes back the controls and pulls his side stick all the way back.]

02:14:23 (Robert) Damn it, we're going to crash... This can't be happening!
02:14:25 (Bonin) But what's happening?
02:14:27 (Captain) Ten degrees of pitch...

Exactly 1.4 seconds later, the cockpit voice recorder stops.

228 passengers and crew were onboard. None survived. Bonin's wife was one of the passengers.



Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Yep, I didn't actually take any of these pics myself. They've all been uploaded to the Internet many times before, by others, and found themselves in many lists, articles and threads. ?

You have a familiar soul. Have we met before? Do you get that sort of question a lot from people?


The Big Guy

This is ted stroehmann on the night of his prom and just moments before a devastating zipper accident where he "got the beans above the frank"

Dick Niaz

Yearning for TMMAC days gone by
Jan 14, 2018
This is ted stroehmann on the night of his prom and just moments before a devastating zipper accident where he "got the beans above the frank"
View attachment 37072
Here we have Jim Levenstein in a photo captured moments before he prematurely ejaculated not once, but twice in the presence of foreign exchange student Nadia.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
"Book of Names" in Auschwitz. Holds the name of every known Holocaust victim.

Civil rights activist James Meredith, who defied segregation to become the first African-American student enrolled at the University of Mississippi, pulls himself across Highway 51 after being shot in Hernando, Mississippi, June 6, 1966

Senator Robert Kennedy sprawled semiconscious on the floor after being shot in the brain & neck by Sirhan Sirhan, while busboy Juan Romero tries to comfort him. 1968

The moment a woman climbed onto her roof to hide from home intruder only for him to appear behind her.
Police arrived on the scene just minutes after Melora Rivera’s frantic call as she hid beneath an eave of the roof. An area blogger snapped a photo just as the intruder, later ID’d by police as 29-year-old Christian Hicks, lurched onto the roof behind her.

Dennis Rader, the BTK killer who killed 10 people between 1974 and 1991, fishing with his daughter.
One of his victims was an 11 year old girl – he hanged her and masturbated as she died.

US marines stood behind a group of Vietnamese villagers, who were forced to walk on a field as “living mines detectors”, near Da Nang, Mar 1966.
"Earlier in the patrol I was horrified to see the Marine patrol commander round up old men and women and make them walk in front of the two tanks as human mine detectors across a section of rough country.

When I asked about this, the patrol leader told me he had lost his best corporal a week before, when he stepped on a booby trap in that area. He said the villagers knew where the mines were and would cluster around and not move when they approached one."

Barry, the Dog – called “The Monster from KZ Treblinka” The Worst Dog of all Times
Barry was the Dog of the KZ Commander Kurt Franz in the Extermination Death Camp of Treblinka. He was a Mix, but mostly a Bernhardiner Dog (St. Bernhard Dog). He’s known for at least killing 40+ Prisoners.

He was known for his extreme Brutality, killing Prisoners when getting the Order “Mensch! Fass den Hund!”, which meant “Human! Bite the Dog!”. ‘Human’ did refer to the dog and ‘dog’ on the other hand did refer to the Human, the Prisoner in the KZ.

Barry only attacked prisoners when they were wearing the prison clothes, he did not attack people in civilian clothes.

Hiroshima survivors.

A 40 year old man went missing after night out. 22 years later, a local man was looking on google maps and spotted a car in the lake. When the car was searched, the missing man’s skeletal remains were found inside

Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic at Kurt Cobain’s funeral. Seattle, Washington (1994)



Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Civil rights activist James Meredith, who defied segregation to become the first African-American student enrolled at the University of Mississippi, pulls himself across Highway 51 after being shot in Hernando, Mississippi, June 6, 1966
So even then we had assholes who would rather take a picture than help someone in need. Nice.


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
"Church of bones"-
Sedlec Ossuary, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic.


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
The face of evil-
This thing is scheduled to become eligible for parole in 2023.

What did he do...known as La Bestia ("The Beast"), In 1999 he admitted to the rape, torture and murder of 138 boys and teenagers but the true number could exceed 300. He was sentenced to 1,853 years and 9 days in prison, the lengthiest sentence in Colombian history. However, Colombian law limits imprisonment to 40 years—and because Garavito helped police find the victims' bodies, his sentence was further reduced to 22 years making him eligible for parole in 2023.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
The face of evil-
View attachment 38117
This thing is scheduled to become eligible for parole in 2023.

What did he do...known as La Bestia ("The Beast"), In 1999 he admitted to the rape, torture and murder of 138 boys and teenagers but the true number could exceed 300. He was sentenced to 1,853 years and 9 days in prison, the lengthiest sentence in Colombian history. However, Colombian law limits imprisonment to 40 years—and because Garavito helped police find the victims' bodies, his sentence was further reduced to 22 years making him eligible for parole in 2023.
this type of crime would get him killed immediately in the CA prison system like a pelican bay or san Quentin for example. Colombia has a pretty lenient legal system. this dude killed more people than samuel little or many serial killers in the u.s.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Pictures drawn by kids who were being abused.

A drawing by an eight-year-old girl. That’s her on the left. The smiling boy is her older brother, and the animal is how she drew her mommy. Nobody knew it at the time, but they were both abusing her. When the doctors found out, they looked back at this picture. That’s when they realized the girl was floating, with no arms and no mouth. They say this means she felt helpless and voiceless, a major clue of abuse in children's drawings.

This is a picture of a volleyball team. It was drawn by a nine-year-old boy. The one in the middle is the coach and the other two are the boy and his friend. A few months later, the school found out the coach was sexually molesting both boys. That’s when they noticed that the boy had drawn private parts on the coach and his friend.

Here’s a drawing by an eight-year-old boy. He drew one of his father's friends. The teacher didn’t see anything wrong at the time. Then they found out the man was sexually abusing the boy. Looking back at this drawing, the doctors saw how sharp the man’s teeth and fingers were. It matched the way that other abused kids drew those things. Another sign found too late.

This is a piece by an eight-year-old boy. After drawing this in class he presented it to his teacher, who did not notice anything concerning. When the school later discovered that the boy was being abused by a male family member, they noticed the pronounced genitalia in this drawing. If the teacher would have asked the child, "Who is in this picture?" or "Where did you see that?", the abuse likely could have been stopped sooner.

This is a drawing by another young boy. He drew himself on the left and his sister on the right. Sometime later, it came to light that both the boy and his sister were being sexually abused by their father. Notice the frown and tears depicted on the boy’s face, as well as the lack of arms drawn on himself and his sister. According to experts, children who draw themselves without arms are symbolizing their helplessness in stopping the situations they are experiencing.

This is a self-portrait created by a four-year-old girl. It was drawn just days after she was sexually abused by an older male at a neighborhood BBQ. Upon examining the drawing, doctors noted that the girl drew herself without arms, matching the helpless symbolism present in other drawings by abused children. In addition, experts noted her large, blank eyes, which were consistent with the way other children who had been harmed by an adult depicted themselves.

This chilling drawing was created by a seven-year-old girl. Unlike the others, this particular piece was produced for a psychologist after the girl had already reported sexual abuse at the hands of her father. She was told to draw a picture of her family doing something that makes them happy. Her portrait included her father putting his dick in her mouth. Upon examining the drawing, the psychologist noted the exaggerated, disproportionate size of the father’s genitals, as well as his cheerful, smiling face.
