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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Are you two trolling me right now? This is all well and good when we're claiming gamesmanship, but at least you can be consistent and call it out for what it is when the Dems are making false claims about trump being a Russian agent. For 4 years it was the mainstream narrative. Please don't dismiss it as whataboutism.

Forgive me if I'm incorrect because I haven't followed your posts religiously, but don't most democrats regard trump as a buffoon? Surely he's no student of political science. Way too inept to put together a strategy like what you're describing.

Lastly there's the matter of safeguards in place to prevent election fraud. Yes, but if memory serves, there were some circumstances that changed this. Unless I'm wrong. Happy to be corrected if so.
I'm not a democrat.

Deleted member 1

without jumping to intermediary species first.
It probably jumped to intermediate host.
No such intermediary species have been found
Same true for SARS
Decision for intermediate host identification made from genetic trees. No intermediate host was ever found. That's very typical of zoonotic infections.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
read this part again and tell me that the Democrats aren't following a cult of personality.
Remember how Obama held campaign rallies all over the country for the entirety of his two terms?


Remember how millions of people were wearing blue Obama Hope and Change hats through the entirety of his Presidency?


Obama who prosecuted more extrajudicial killings than any POTUS in history?
You expect me to mindlessly defend every single thing that Obama ever said or did, or ignore every morally atrocious action that he ever ordered or that ever happened under his watch?

Not gonna happen, I'm sorry.

Because...... you know....... I'm not in a personality cult.

1994 Biden Crime Act. How did that work out for African Americans?
Why don't you ask the Congressional Black Caucus? They helped write it, and they voted for it.

it's a cult of personality because the deeds are indefensible.
Obama is gone, man. He doesn't rule the Democrat party, he's a Netflix guy now. Have you even seen him on your TV since the day Trump took office?

Remember that time the Democrats held their national convention and released a one-page "policy statement" that just said "we will do and support whatever the Dear Leader wants at that moment"? Nah...... you don't.

But yeah, both sides are a personality cult now because........ you said so?


Deleted member 1

Dems are making false claims about trump being a Russian agent

Mueller and even the Republican report showed a consistent obstruction of justice and investigation that would be termed illegal if he were not a sitting president.
Trump's own team was compromised including active passing of information to the Russians and Trump himself obstructed investigations into hacks from the highest office. The GOP itself was infiltrated and compromised and is likely how Republican voting information came to be in the hands of Russian hackers to allow microtargeting propaganda campaigns.

Not a single investigation into Trump cleared him. In fact all of them highlighted his continued obstruction and only through the privilege of sitting as a president prevented indictment.

Please don't dismiss it as whataboutism.

It is.
In a conversation about why question the election is not just questioning the election bringing up something completely unrelated has no bearing on the conversation.
The topic was why does it matter if the election is called into question.

Forgive me if I'm incorrect because I haven't followed your posts religiously, but don't most democrats regard trump as a buffoon? Surely he's no student of political science. Way too inept to put together a strategy like what you're describing.

What strategy?
Also I voted for Trump. I also voted for Biden.
But again the conversation was about why it's a problem that Giuliani is out there attacking the election.
Also Trump is a master of public relations and media manipulation. I never said he was inept.

Lastly there's the matter of safeguards in place to prevent election fraud. Yes, but if memory serves, there were some circumstances that changed this. Unless I'm wrong. Happy to be corrected if so.

Feel free to link me anything different that occurred this go around that isn't already proven to be a nothing burger.
The last election like others was regularly audited. There is not enough election fraud to change the election. This is seen consistently by third-party evaluations and as well as official state audits like in Georgia that just happened in this election.
In all cases voter fraud make up a smaller percentage than the difference between elections. Tiny fractions of a single digit. And because human errors can occur every single federal election has recount safeguards and audits for close elections where such small differences might change the outcome.


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Remember how Obama held campaign rallies all over the country for the entirety of his two terms?


Remember how millions of people were wearing blue Obama Hope and Change hats through the entirety of his Presidency?


You expect me to mindlessly defend every single thing that Obama ever said or did, or ignore every morally atrocious action that he ever ordered or that ever happened under his watch?

Not gonna happen, I'm sorry.

Because...... you know....... I'm not in a personality cult.

Why don't you ask the Congressional Black Caucus? They helped write it, and they voted for it.

Obama is gone, man. He doesn't rule the Democrat party, he's a Netflix guy now. Have you even seen him on your TV since the day Trump took office?

Remember that time the Democrats held their national convention and released a one-page "policy statement" that just said "we will do and support whatever the Dear Leader wants at that moment"? Nah...... you don't.

But yeah, both sides are a personality cult now because........ you said so?

Yes he had a ton of rallies .
This shirt was all over the place and I still see people wearing them.


Deleted member 1

In this context it is striking that the RmYN02 virus identified here in Rhinolophus malayanus is the closest relative of SARS-CoV-2 in the long 1ab replicase gene, although the virus itself has a complex history of recombination.

Recombination is the research they were doing at the BSL2 lab in Wuhan.
Recombination is also a natural process in viral evolution.

Here's more from the same article you just posted...

To date, the most closely related virus to SARS-CoV-2 is RaTG13, identified from a Rhinolophus affinis bat sampled in Yunnan province in 2013 [3]. This virus shared 96.1% nucleotide identity and 92.9% identity in the S gene, again suggesting that bats play a key role as coronavirus reservoirs [3]. Notably, however, several novel beta-CoVs related to SARS-CoV-2 have also been identified in Malayan pangolins (Manis javanica) that were illegally imported into Guangxi (GX) and Guangdong (GD) provinces, southern China [6, 7, 8]. Although these pangolin CoVs are more distant to SARS-CoV-2 than RaTG13 across the virus genome as a whole, they are very similar to SARS-CoV-2 in the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the S protein, including at the amino acid residues thought to mediate binding to ACE2 [7]. It is therefore possible that pangolins play an important role in the ecology and evolution of CoVs. Indeed, the discovery of viruses in pangolins suggests that there is a wide diversity of CoVs still to be sampled in wildlife, some of which may be directly involved in the emergence of SARS-CoV-2

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Are you two trolling me right now? This is all well and good when we're claiming gamesmanship, but at least you can be consistent and call it out for what it is when the Dems are making false claims about trump being a Russian agent. For 4 years it was the mainstream narrative. Please don't dismiss it as whataboutism.
See, it is VERY obvious that you don't really follow this stuff at all. Which is fine, you're under no obligation to. But unfortunately, it does mean that you're just parroting right wing lying propaganda.

Trump was NOT cleared of Russian collision. Quite the opposite, actually. Here's Mueller testifying to Congress, under oath.

"When the president said the Russian interference was a hoax, that was false, wasn't it," Schiff asked.

"True," Mueller answered.

"It's also clear from your report that during that Russian outreach to the Trump campaign, no one associated with the Trump campaign ever called the FBI to report it, am I right?" Schiff asked.

"I don't know that for sure," Mueller said.

"In fact, the campaign welcomed the Russian help, did they not?" Schiff asked.

"I think we report, in the report, say indications that that occurred, yes," Mueller answered.

Also, everybody who was willing to testify under oath, said that Trump committed impeachable offences.

Everyone who was not willing to testify under oath, said that he did nothing wrong.

Doesn't that tell you anything?

Also, he repeatedly solicited Russian interference in the election on live TV, in front of an audience of millions. His voters thought that was hilarious, actually.

Forgive me if I'm incorrect because I haven't followed your posts religiously, but don't most democrats regard trump as a buffoon? Surely he's no student of political science. Way too inept to put together a strategy like what you're describing.
A lot of tyrants are buffoons. Trump's ignorance, belligerence and clear and obvious total unfitness for office are features, not bugs. They are selling points to his audience.

Lastly there's the matter of safeguards in place to prevent election fraud. Yes, but if memory serves, there were some circumstances that changed this. Unless I'm wrong. Happy to be corrected if so.
You are wrong, and you've been told so several times over a span of months. The truth of the matter is not hard to find. Unfortunately, the right wing ecosystem is in a post-truth era. They have poisoned the well with so much bullshit, that you have the impression that there must be something to it. There isn't.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Do none of you right-wingers notice that Cocaine Mitch hasn't said word one about this recount - he's just completely ignoring it?

What does that tell you?


Deleted member 1

You are wrong, and you've been told so several times over a span of months. The truth of the matter is not hard to find. Unfortunately, the right wing ecosystem is in a post-truth era. They have poisoned the well with so much bullshit, that you have the impression that there must be something to it. There isn't.

I've posted my thoughts about this before and I think it's an important thing to consider.
Until removing the hierarchy of information, if you heard something 10 times over it's more likely to be true than if you heard it one time. We use this repetition as a means of bullshit meter. Now you have echo chambers in which influencers send out one message and it comes to you from a dozen different sides.
I think many people that don't know the reality on the number of subjects, and which the data is clearly evident, is directly due to this phenomenon. With the internet and social media and no gatekeepers information, this information easily until it sounds true.
And I don't know a good way to recalibrate our meters. But I do know that people being duped doesn't mean they're stupid. They're often just using a different metric that used to work.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I've posted my thoughts about this before and I think it's an important thing to consider.
Until removing the hierarchy of information, if you heard something 10 times over it's more likely to be true than if you heard it one time. We use this repetition as a means of bullshit meter. Now you have echo chambers in which influencers send out one message and it comes to you from a dozen different sides.
I think many people that don't know the reality on the number of subjects, and which the data is clearly evident, is directly due to this phenomenon. With the internet and social media and no gatekeepers information, this information easily until it sounds true.
And I don't know a good way to recalibrate our meters. But I do know that people being duped doesn't mean they're stupid. They're often just using a different metric that used to work.
Have you ever been duped?

Or are you un-dupable?


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Recombination is also a natural process in viral evolution.

Here's more from the same article you just posted...
of course pangolins play an important role. The question is whether it's more likely that pangolins came in contact on microbiological level in a lab or in the wild. If natural recombination was the obvious answer, it would be a lot closer than (IIRC) 80-is%) and there would be an abundance of information on the subject.

but yeah, it's very tough to let the research play out when so many of the experts have everything to lose if one particular truth is accepted.

China has covered up literally every virus to originate from there in the last 25 years. The only thing different this time is that the US provided funding to the lab (coincidentally?) at the same time. Absent the cult of Fauci in the progressive/mainstream media, this would be playing out exactly the same as the lab leaks that led to the moratorium on funding.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
I've posted my thoughts about this before and I think it's an important thing to consider.
Until removing the hierarchy of information, if you heard something 10 times over it's more likely to be true than if you heard it one time. We use this repetition as a means of bullshit meter. Now you have echo chambers in which influencers send out one message and it comes to you from a dozen different sides.
I think many people that don't know the reality on the number of subjects, and which the data is clearly evident, is directly due to this phenomenon. With the internet and social media and no gatekeepers information, this information easily until it sounds true.
And I don't know a good way to recalibrate our meters. But I do know that people being duped doesn't mean they're stupid. They're often just using a different metric that used to work.
Sure, agreed.

At a certain point, though........ you ARE stupid.

Still think that Trump won and the election was stolen? That's because you have chosen to disregard reality and embrace warm, comforting propaganda.

And if you're all into Qanon....... I'm sorry, you're stupid, end of.


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Arizona Senate hires a ‘Stop the Steal’ advocate to lead 2020 election audit
The audit team that Senate President Karen Fann selected to examine the 2020 general election in Maricopa County will be led by a company owned by an advocate of the “Stop the Steal” movement who repeatedly alleged on social media that the election was rigged against former President Donald Trump.

Cyber Ninjas is owned by Doug Logan, who has been an active promoter of baseless conspiracy theories alleging widespread election fraud last year, including in Arizona.

“I’m tired of hearing people say there was no fraud. It happened, it’s real, and people better get wise fast,” read a tweet from a since-suspended account that Logan retweeted on Dec. 31.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Make a poll

Answer it yourself

The way a lot of people post here it seems they view themselves as un-dupable
Nobody is un-dupable (is that even a word? :smile:)

But there are definitely things that you can do, to make yourself less gullible and more difficult to fool. And most right wingers do exactly none of them, which is why their movement is near totally disconnected from reality. That's why they're STILL pathetically clinging to the delusion that Trump didn't lose the election, eight months later. And that's why they constantly make claims like "the Dems didn't accept the result last time either!" with a straight face. Because at this point, they honestly believe that shit. It's depressing.


Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I'm the one asking questions here, and yet again you fail to provide an answer.
Simple Jack don't start with me today.

@Splinty has a habit of going radio silent when he is proven to be duped...that is why I ask.

Wasn't directed at you, it is quite obvious you are easily duped.

Myself I have been duped, I have admitted as much on here before...I voted for Obama once...I feared the AIDs virus big time during the "scare"...I even thought the Rona was potentially gonna sweep the earth(for about 2 weeks)...I thought this forum was gonna be populated by less trolls than thought NWA was full of real gangsters...etc...

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Nobody is un-dupable (is that even a word? :smile:)

But there are definitely things that you can do, to make yourself less gullible and more difficult to fool. And most right wingers do exactly none of them, which is why their movement is near totally disconnected from reality. That's why they're STILL pathetically clinging to the delusion that Trump didn't lose the election, eight months later. And that's why they constantly make claims like "the Dems didn't accept the result last time either!" with a straight face. Because at this point, they honestly believe that shit. It's depressing.

everything with you is right wing this, right wing that, trump, etc...

hard to even read your posts dude...they just seem like one super long rant

just saying

I made it a word:)


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Simple Jack don't start with me today.

@Splinty has a habit of going radio silent when he is proven to be duped...that is why I ask.

Wasn't directed at you, it is quite obvious you are easily duped.

Myself I have been duped, I have admitted as much on here before...I voted for Obama once...I feared the AIDs virus big time during the "scare"...I even thought the Rona was potentially gonna sweep the earth(for about 2 weeks)...I thought this forum was gonna be populated by less trolls than thought NWA was full of real gangsters...etc...

Speaker to Animals

May 16, 2021
Arizona Senate hires a ‘Stop the Steal’ advocate to lead 2020 election audit
The audit team that Senate President Karen Fann selected to examine the 2020 general election in Maricopa County will be led by a company owned by an advocate of the “Stop the Steal” movement who repeatedly alleged on social media that the election was rigged against former President Donald Trump.

Cyber Ninjas is owned by Doug Logan, who has been an active promoter of baseless conspiracy theories alleging widespread election fraud last year, including in Arizona.

“I’m tired of hearing people say there was no fraud. It happened, it’s real, and people better get wise fast,” read a tweet from a since-suspended account that Logan retweeted on Dec. 31.
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... seems legit