Are you two trolling me right now? This is all well and good when we're claiming gamesmanship, but at least you can be consistent and call it out for what it is when the Dems are making false claims about trump being a Russian agent. For 4 years it was the mainstream narrative. Please don't dismiss it as whataboutism.
See, it is VERY obvious that you don't really follow this stuff at all. Which is fine, you're under no obligation to. But unfortunately, it does mean that you're just parroting right wing lying propaganda.
Trump was NOT cleared of Russian collision. Quite the opposite, actually. Here's Mueller testifying to Congress, under oath.
When the president said the Russian interference was a hoax, that was false, wasn't it," Schiff asked.
True," Mueller answered.
"It's also clear from your report that
during that Russian outreach to the Trump campaign, no one associated with the Trump campaign ever called the FBI to report it, am I right?" Schiff asked.
"I don't know that for sure," Mueller said.
"In fact,
the campaign welcomed the Russian help, did they not?" Schiff asked.
"I think we report, in the report, say
indications that that occurred, yes," Mueller answered.
Also, everybody who was willing to testify under oath, said that Trump committed impeachable offences.
Everyone who was
not willing to testify under oath, said that he did nothing wrong.
Doesn't that tell you anything?
Also, he repeatedly solicited Russian interference in the election on live TV, in front of an audience of millions. His voters thought that was
hilarious, actually
Forgive me if I'm incorrect because I haven't followed your posts religiously, but don't most democrats regard trump as a buffoon? Surely he's no student of political science. Way too inept to put together a strategy like what you're describing.
A lot of tyrants are buffoons. Trump's ignorance, belligerence and clear and obvious total unfitness for office are features, not bugs. They are selling points to his audience.
Lastly there's the matter of safeguards in place to prevent election fraud. Yes, but if memory serves, there were some circumstances that changed this. Unless I'm wrong. Happy to be corrected if so.
You are wrong, and you've been told so several times over a span of months. The truth of the matter is not hard to find. Unfortunately, the right wing ecosystem is in a post-truth era. They have poisoned the well with
so much bullshit, that you have the impression that there
must be something to it. There isn't.