An anorexic, mental defective shut-in took an assault rifle to school and used it to murder 20 random six year olds. Most of them were hiding in a closet that he pumped dozens and dozens of bullets into.I'm on the go so can't grab the actual Pew research on it, but it's an easy Google...
Americans views of wanting more gun laws have increased over the last few years and have recently been as high as they were right before we implemented the 1994 assault weapons ban.
I would not be surprised to see an assault weapons ban go through, but I also think that like 1994 it will not appreciably make a difference.
Nothing changed after that, except that the Infowars crowd called it a deep state false flag psy-op.
A quarter century's worth of your children being trained with active-shooter drills at school has changed absolutely nothing.
High schools are being physically designed from the ground up around minimising the damage from a school shooter. Curved hallways to interrupt the path of a bullet. Buttons to fill the hallways with smoke. Bulletproof backpacks. Do you know how absolutely bizarre and surreal all this shit is to everyone else in the developed world?