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kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Authoritarian okay, but living in one of the most unchecked capitalistic countries and attributing people being fired to communism is just immensely funny.

I'm not sure if creator and poster understand this however.
people like majorie taylor greene, tucker carlson, ben shapiro, matt gaetz, etc arent known for being intelligent and/or ethical. yet in their defense, their ramblings are believed by some
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For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016

They are saying the vaccine only lasts six months. So we are now unvaccinated, right?
Are you getting a booster? Could you go somewhere and get it now? Are you hearing any buzz about it right now?

I'm getting ready to go back to work so hurry up and let me know. :D

Deleted member 1

They are saying the vaccine only lasts six months
Primary focus on this is the pfizer vaccine, which indeed is what I got.
They aren't saying that.
Efficacy wanes at that point but especially against Delta Variant.
Moderna studies in progress.

So we are now unvaccinated, right?
Not fully.

Are you getting a booster?
Yes. I am taking care of COVID patients on a regular basis again with the numbers going back up.

Could you go somewhere and get it now?
Only if I pulled a Canada and mixed and matched. I have Moderna in my clinic. I'll have to get the hospital to get me a third shot.

Are you hearing any buzz about it right now?
Not particularly. We have such a low primary vaccination rate and such a high positivity rate and rapidly increasing hospitalizations that the main focus has not been on this but getting the completely unvaccinated protected.
Even with delta variant, even with lowered immunity over time, you still lower your hospitalization rate and death rate to this point with the current vaccination schedule. And the unvaccinated are low hanging fruit for impact against hospitalizations and deaths.

With the delta variant we have lost the initial data suggesting decreased transmission from the vaccinated and now there is circumstantial data that vaccinated can transmit just the same. It's unclear whether we will pick up some decreased transmissibility with a booster shot.

member 3289

people like majorie taylor greene, tucker carlson, ben shapiro, matt gaetz, etc arent known for being intelligent and/or ethical. yet in their defense, their ramblings are believed by some
I consider Ben Shapiro a fairly intelligent person. He's out of touch, fairly naive, and socially clueless, but he's definitely an educated person who intelligently expresses his opinions, even if I disagree with nearly all of them.

Deleted member 1

but he's definitely an educated person who intelligently expresses his opinions
I used to like little Benjie.
His preconceived monologues are consistent with your post. His twitter takes and debates leave something to be desired.

Why didn't someone say to outlaw crime?!!??! BRILLIANT.


member 3289

I used to like little Benjie.
His preconceived monologues are consistent with your post. His twitter takes and debates leave something to be desired.

Why didn't someone say to outlaw crime?!!??! BRILLIANT.

View attachment 42781
I think he talks so much that he doesn't really think before giving his opinion a lot of the time. But yeah, he has definitely said some dumb shit.

This is my favorite:


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
  • Overall, we rate The Daily Expose a Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy and Quackery level Pseudoscience website based on promoting false and misleading information regarding Covid-19.
Detailed Report
Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
Country: United Kingdom (33/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Tennessee GOP rep who rejected masks now says COVID-19 is 'real and dangerous' after his 8-month battle with the virus
  • Tennessee representative David Byrd used to support the idea that the media was sensationalizing the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • In his 8-month battle with the virus, he developed pneumonia, jaundice, and liver failure.
  • He now hopes that sharing his near-death experience will help people take the virus seriously.

Deleted member 1

  • Overall, we rate The Daily Expose a Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy and Quackery level Pseudoscience website based on promoting false and misleading information regarding Covid-19.
Detailed Report
Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
Country: United Kingdom (33/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

They are tabloid trash lol

Here's their story about miscarriages:

Total lie but its interesting how all the "free thinkers" just spam their same crap in their echo chambers no matter how many times its proven false.

Bret Weinstein obviously knows his stuff when discussing evolutionary biology. But he regularly platforms idiots and then himself echoes their message. He has shoehorned himself into be an "intellectual dark web" scientist and with it gives credence without critical review to everyone he has on.

Take Steve Kirsch who was on like 2 weeks ago...

He wrote this which was also foundationally part of the Bret Weinstein podcast conversation and what Kirsch promoted:

He is linking htis:

That is NOT what that paper says. He is accidentally/intentionally twisting the facts to meet his false narrative.

What does the paper show?

When were women vaccinated:

2.3% periconception(didn't know they were pregnant at time of vaccination) - 92 women

28.6% 1st Trimester - 1132 women

43.3% 2nd Trimester - 1714 women

25.7% 3rd Trimester - 1019 women

104 were spontaneous abortions that occurred at less than 20 weeks
There was 1 stillbirth.

This is completely inline with average miscarriage stats!

Maybe kirsch made a mistake?
Pretty hard to do when the papers own authors concluded:

Snakeoil salesman and if you run a podcast with this message supported and promoted without any critical questioning of the misinformation, you might run afoul of a companies guidelines.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
I consider Ben Shapiro a fairly intelligent person. He's out of touch, fairly naive, and socially clueless, but he's definitely an educated person who intelligently expresses his opinions, even if I disagree with nearly all of them.
i dunno. everytime ive heard him hes sounded like a complete idiot


Posting Machine
Nov 14, 2015
in the states, right wing media and right wing politicians use communism as a synonym for authoritarian lol
How else are communist policies implemented? How have they been implemented in the past? Everyone just gleefully giving up their paycheck to the gov to disperse as they see fit?

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Tennessee GOP rep who rejected masks now says COVID-19 is 'real and dangerous' after his 8-month battle with the virus
  • Tennessee representative David Byrd used to support the idea that the media was sensationalizing the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • In his 8-month battle with the virus, he developed pneumonia, jaundice, and liver failure.
  • He now hopes that sharing his near-death experience will help people take the virus seriously.
Like all conservatives, it's only real when it happens to him personally. Right up until then, he was too busy owning the libs on twitter by posting Fauci memes to bother taking precautions against the worst global health crisis in a century.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
its interesting how all the "free thinkers" just spam their same crap in their echo chambers no matter how many times its proven false.
It's interesting how all these "free thinkers" who are so invested on telling you to think for yourself and not to be a mindless sheep....... somehow, inevitably you can predict with near on 100% accuracy what their stance is going to be on, well....... everything.


kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
How else are communist policies implemented? How have they been implemented in the past? Everyone just gleefully giving up their paycheck to the gov to disperse as they see fit?
words have meaning

if you want to just asign new meanins to words, thats on you, boo. matt gaetz might be the guy for you


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
words have meaning

if you want to just asign new meanins to words, thats on you, boo. matt gaetz might be the guy for you
Like most things, it cuts both ways and both parties are guilty of it. I cringe every time someone tries to explain to me that "words are violence".


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015

They are saying the vaccine only lasts six months. So we are now unvaccinated, right?
Are you getting a booster? Could you go somewhere and get it now? Are you hearing any buzz about it right now?

I'm getting ready to go back to work so hurry up and let me know. :D
I don't understand how people are reconciling "safe and effective" with the manufacturer coming right out and saying "We have no idea how this works in the long term."

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Are you saying that because he sounds uneducated, or because you so fundamentally disagree with his opinions that you can't take him seriously?
edit: both are true

but im speaking just about his lack of logic

you can explain away some of it by saying "oh he doesnt actually believe what hes saying. he is just heartless"

but i hold people to their word. so yes, maybe he is just a scumbag. but i dont know him well enough to say that. so by analyzing the words ive heard him speak, he is an idiot