General So that didn't take long.... AFGHANISTAN

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too high to rigg
Oct 21, 2015
Naw Fuck that
Your in too deep on that narrative my brotherman

I don't think you understand how broad the definition of Domestic Terrorist will will be used for control and have very little to do with justice.

COvid Misinformation is now domestic terrorism(even if the "misinformation" is science based)
Non Vaccinated are now nearly domestic terrorists
Any speech that is anti government official narrative is domestic terrorism
*insert whatever needed to implement control and silence free speech* is domestic terrorism
Eventually that often changing definition will come for each and every one of us
Slippery Slippery slope my bro

Deleted member 1

This crazy old fuck at least has integrity, unlike his piece of shit son.

Interesting fact. Rand Paul never finished college after his dad got him into medical school. He let is board certification lapse in a hissy fit and started his own board that he had to shut down for lack of acceptance. He can't fight according to the neighbor that kicked his ass.

The Big Guy

Interesting fact. Rand Paul never finished college after his dad got him into medical school. He let is board certification lapse in a hissy fit and started his own board that he had to shut down for lack of acceptance. He can't fight according to the neighbor that kicked his ass.
When he broke his ribs getting tackled I think that's when I started growing gray hair


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
Taliban knows how to play the PR game, no doubt.
It's not just PR. The Taliban is 'friendly' as long as you conform to their brutal, medieval rules.

Pashtun culture has very strict codes of ethics - some of them good, some of them horrible.

All this stuff we are hearing that Taliban fighters are going to run rampant in the streets is nonsense. With perhaps some minor exceptions, they wil not indiscriminately harm civilians like rampaging conquerors. Taliban commanders will execute their own fighters if they engage in that behaviour.

Their brutality is not chaotic. It is highly systematic and co-ordinated and this is what makes it so dangerous.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
Interesting fact. Rand Paul never finished college after his dad got him into medical school. He let is board certification lapse in a hissy fit and started his own board that he had to shut down for lack of acceptance. He can't fight according to the neighbor that kicked his ass.
He is a truly disgusting human being. The way he has been able to feed off and distort his father's reputation and principles (many of which I think are fucking stupid but are principles nonetheless) is what makes him uniquely awful even in the DC cesspool.


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2016
this is good. pits russia vs china.. now china gets sucked into a 20yr war.. meanwhile on tawain and india border..china eats ass as usual


Nov 14, 2019

These people think you are fools.

So the media is to blame for the invasion of Afghanistan? You guys are brainwashed like a North Korean.

The media I remember wasn't in favour of war. The media I remember reported on the corrupt Haliburton, the corrupt Afghan government. There were films documenting the corruption and evil of Cheney. The incompetence of Bush.

I seen to remember the birth place of Obama was the lead story in those days for the right.

When the Afghan papers were released and whole clusterfuck was reported on it barely made a ripple, books after books were written highlighting the inevitable defeat and sheer insanity of this war.

The lies propagated by the governments of both sides, red and blue WERE reported on. But no one cared. Even our own Sheepdog @Former Maycee Barber Fan was quick to dump on a veteran of the conflict who blew the whistle for the last decade.

A lot of people, a lot of corrupt people made a lot of money from the misery of the average Afghani. At least half were corrupt Americans.

But yeah.

It WAs ThE MeejaH ThAt DiD tHis


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
These people think you are fools.

So the media is to blame for the invasion of Afghanistan? You guys are brainwashed like a North Korean.

The media I remember wasn't in favour of war. The media I remember reported on the corrupt Haliburton, the corrupt Afghan government. There were films documenting the corruption and evil of Cheney. The incompetence of Bush.

I seen to remember the birth place of Obama was the lead story in those days for the right.

When the Afghan papers were released and whole clusterfuck was reported on it barely made a ripple, books after books were written highlighting the inevitable defeat and sheer insanity of this war.

The lies propagated by the governments of both sides, red and blue WERE reported on. But no one cared. Even our own Sheepdog @Former Maycee Barber Fan was quick to dump on a veteran of the conflict who blew the whistle for the last decade.

A lot of people, a lot of corrupt people made a lot of money from the misery of the average Afghani. At least half were corrupt Americans.

But yeah.

It WAs ThE MeejaH ThAt DiD tHis
Hey what's that video you said to watch on iPlayer again? It got lost in my notifications somewhere and I'm lazy cunt.


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
These people think you are fools.

So the media is to blame for the invasion of Afghanistan? You guys are brainwashed like a North Korean.

The media I remember wasn't in favour of war. The media I remember reported on the corrupt Haliburton, the corrupt Afghan government. There were films documenting the corruption and evil of Cheney. The incompetence of Bush.

I seen to remember the birth place of Obama was the lead story in those days for the right.

When the Afghan papers were released and whole clusterfuck was reported on it barely made a ripple, books after books were written highlighting the inevitable defeat and sheer insanity of this war.

The lies propagated by the governments of both sides, red and blue WERE reported on. But no one cared. Even our own Sheepdog @Former Maycee Barber Fan was quick to dump on a veteran of the conflict who blew the whistle for the last decade.

A lot of people, a lot of corrupt people made a lot of money from the misery of the average Afghani. At least half were corrupt Americans.

But yeah.

It WAs ThE MeejaH ThAt DiD tHis
Who is saying the media is to blame for the war? What media?


Nov 14, 2019
Who is saying the media is to blame for the war? What media?

The media has uncritically repeated the propaganda of the military and political leaders about Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and all the other pointless US interventions. Many of these outlets are owned by defense industry-connected companies. The corruption is deep.”

Ask your man Ron. He said it.


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
The media has uncritically repeated the propaganda of the military and political leaders about Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and all the other pointless US interventions. Many of these outlets are owned by defense industry-connected companies. The corruption is deep.”

Ask your man Ron. He said it.
Here's what he actually wrote:

"So who is to blame for the scenes from Afghanistan this weekend? There is plenty to go around.

Congress has kicked the can down the road for 20 years, continuing to fund the Afghan war long after even they understood that there was no point to the US occupation. There were some efforts by some Members to end the war, but most, on a bipartisan basis, just went along to get along.

The generals and other high-ranking military officers lied to their commander-in-chief and to the American people for years about progress in Afghanistan. The same is true for the US intelligence agencies. Unless there is a major purge of those who lied and misled, we can count on these disasters to continue until the last US dollar goes up in smoke.

The military industrial complex spent 20 years on the gravy train with the Afghanistan war. They built missiles, they built tanks, they built aircraft and helicopters. They hired armies of lobbyists and think tank writers to continue the lie that was making them rich. They wrapped their graft up in the American flag, but they are the opposite of patriots.

The mainstream media has uncritically repeated the propaganda of the military and political leaders about Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and all the other pointless US interventions. Many of these outlets are owned by defense industry-connected companies. The corruption is deep.

American citizens must also share some blame. Until more Americans rise up and demand a pro-America, non-interventionist foreign policy they will co
ntinue to get fleeced by war profiteers."


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
Chinese state media mocked the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, saying the Taliban takeover was “smoother than the presidential transition in the United States.”


Nov 14, 2019
Here's what he actually wrote:

"So who is to blame for the scenes from Afghanistan this weekend? There is plenty to go around.

Congress has kicked the can down the road for 20 years, continuing to fund the Afghan war long after even they understood that there was no point to the US occupation. There were some efforts by some Members to end the war, but most, on a bipartisan basis, just went along to get along.

The generals and other high-ranking military officers lied to their commander-in-chief and to the American people for years about progress in Afghanistan. The same is true for the US intelligence agencies. Unless there is a major purge of those who lied and misled, we can count on these disasters to continue until the last US dollar goes up in smoke.

The military industrial complex spent 20 years on the gravy train with the Afghanistan war. They built missiles, they built tanks, they built aircraft and helicopters. They hired armies of lobbyists and think tank writers to continue the lie that was making them rich. They wrapped their graft up in the American flag, but they are the opposite of patriots.

The mainstream media has uncritically repeated the propaganda of the military and political leaders about Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and all the other pointless US interventions. Many of these outlets are owned by defense industry-connected companies. The corruption is deep.

American citizens must also share some blame. Until more Americans rise up and demand a pro-America, non-interventionist foreign policy they will co
ntinue to get fleeced by war profiteers."

Damn right there is plenty of blame to go around.

Starting with the people who voted for the war in the first place.

Step forward Mr Paul and take your share for voting in favour of the war.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Chinese state media mocked the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, saying the Taliban takeover was “smoother than the presidential transition in the United States.”
Those sweet and sour filthy cocksuckers!

I say we declare San Francisco unable to sell ducks!


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Damn right there is plenty of blame to go around.

Starting with the people who voted for the war in the first place.

Step forward Mr Paul and take your share for voting in favour of the war.
I mean, wow. Ron Paul is one of the most consistently anti war high profile politicians of the past half century. Name one US regime change war Dr Paul has publicly supported. You're way offside dude...


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I mean, wow. Ron Paul is one of the most consistently anti war high profile politicians of the past half century. Name one US regime change war Dr Paul has publicly supported. You're way offside dude...
Ron Paul is like sauron. He created all this evil.