These people think you are fools.
So the media is to blame for the invasion of Afghanistan? You guys are brainwashed like a North Korean.
The media I remember wasn't in favour of war. The media I remember reported on the corrupt Haliburton, the corrupt Afghan government. There were films documenting the corruption and evil of Cheney. The incompetence of Bush.
I seen to remember the birth place of Obama was the lead story in those days for the right.
When the Afghan papers were released and whole clusterfuck was reported on it barely made a ripple, books after books were written highlighting the inevitable defeat and sheer insanity of this war.
The lies propagated by the governments of both sides, red and blue WERE reported on. But no one cared. Even our own
@Former Maycee Barber Fan was quick to dump on a veteran of the conflict who blew the whistle for the last decade.
A lot of people, a lot of corrupt people made a lot of money from the misery of the average Afghani. At least half were corrupt Americans.
But yeah.
It WAs ThE MeejaH ThAt DiD tHis