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The Big Guy

Are you discussing dermabond?
It's not JUST superglue and you've got the physics background to know the exact difference.
There are isomer and alkyl chain changes in dermabond and its competitors that are not found in regular superglue.

Do I recommend you superglue your fingertip at home? yes.

Is superglue an appropriate substitute for surgical glues or large cuts? Absolutely not. The latter are more flexible, have antimicrobial properties, and are dramatically less likely to cause skin irritation and associated wound healing delaying inflammatory response than superglue.
Based on what, exactly?

Evidence for your claim?

Google it. Check the wiki. Be better


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Yes I'm aware of that. We all knew that minority groups were being hit harder
however there was never a blame and friction point between racial groups regarding
the blame for covid until Lt. Gov. Fuck Wit decided to create a racial flashpoint
by using a 1900s racist trope.

and again... here we are arguing about race instead of covid.

We have never argued racial blame and covid like this until now.

Mission Accomplished

This is the last I'm going to say on it because he isn't going to get me
continually arguing about race on this topic like he intended.

If you know history you know this was a very common tactic in the 1900s

He knew exactly what he was doing

Fuck that bitch
Sir, you're the only person up in arms about race. It's being used by the media as a dog whistle because everything is just like the Jim Crowe south now.
Nov 21, 2015
New disabilities, big bills follow COVID patients after short hospital stays, study says

A preliminary analysis of 253 patients of a cohort of 1,300 hospitalized with the disease between fall 2020 and early 2021 shows nearly 85% couldn’t get back to their pre-COVID lives one month after being discharged.

About half of them reported new limitations in daily activities, while nearly 55% of patients reported a new or worsened heart or lung symptom and 16% required breathing assistance with oxygen.

My aunt still cant walk to the mailbox without stopping to take a breath
and its been months since she was cleared of covid.

I don't think they have the slightest idea what they are dealing with.


Putin is gay
Apr 24, 2015
LMAO! :tearsofjoy:

Needed a good laugh and moving on to actual discussions about covid
LMAO awesome video. Great tiktok. Aptly named subreddit- r/confidentlyincorrect

This is actually a fantastic example of the Dunning/Kruger Effect- this anti-vaxxer has done some googling but lacks the academic and experiential background to parse what she found. She likely found some bias-reinforcing articles, saw some big words, looked them up, and is putting them together in a way that sounds like it makes sense, but doesn't. She's well-intentioned, but probably doesn't realize she's perpetuating misinformation. Bleh.
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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Phil Valentine, Conservative Radio Host and Vaccine Skeptic, Dead at 61 From Covid Complications
A few days after Phil Valentine announced he had tested positive for Covid-19 on July 11th, the conservative talk-radio host wrote on Facebook that he was “doing my patriotic duty for natural herd immunity.” Valentine, whose nationally syndicated Phil Valentine Show aired on 100 stations from 2007 to 2019, had questioned the vaccines on his current show on Nashville’s SuperTalk 99.7 WTN and online, mocking the U.S.’s inoculation campaign in the song “Vaxman,” a parody of the Beatles’ “Taxman.” “I certainly am not getting the vax now,” he replied to a commenter on Facebook on July 14th. “I have full immunity.”

Valentine died Saturday from complications related to Covid-19, according to a tweet from his station. He was 61.


Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
if the "source" website doesn't include the actual information, it's probably making shit up.

the actual source for the information says that 10k died after full dosing and 20k died after 1 shot. There's no information on the condition or overall health of the people who got one shot. They also don't break out the distribution of vaccine types, but they do mention that 90% of the people who died after full-dose were over the age of 70....regardless, that 10k who died after full dosing (correlation not being causation) would represent 3.7% of the COVID deaths during the same time period.

when people post stuff like this, it's because they're trying to convince themselves that they have this all figured out.

they don't. no one does.
I asked what is their population

and about Bolsynardo

not sure what your on about regarding my questions

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014

Get vaccinated.
We will soon see increase in deaths beyond proportion of covid thanks to these overruns. We saw it in El Paso last year. We will now see it multiple areas of the state this year.

Pandemic ethics question: now that I have no ventilators and the same is starting to happen across the state, If two patients need a ventilator and one is vaccinated and one is unvaccinated, is it ethical to use vaccination status to prioritize access to ventilators?

Of course those against the vaccine will think this is an abhorrent question. Ethics questions are often tough. If I have to consider prioritizing the president, a nurse, etc over my mother, then this is a reasonable topic to consider.

Vaccinated patients get hospitalized less, go on the ventilator less, and spend less time in the hospital and on the ventilator than the unvaccinated If they get there.
From a purely resource allocation standpoint during overruns, you could save a vaccinated patient's life on average with less ventilator time and system resources than the unvaccinated.

Other decisions in pandemic ethics such as prioritizing the president over the average citizen but not prioritizing an important person's wife over the average citizen speak to the deterrent and morale problems in allocating resources. If it is ethical to prioritize frontline workers to maintain the system and to encourage continued risk taking for the system to hold together, is it the same to hold that incentive out for the populace to perform an action (vaccination) that further holds the system together?



top korean roofer
Oct 21, 2015
i don't see what the problem is here. If you're vaccinated, you get first dibs on the ICU beds. It's like paying subscription for youtube where you don't get the commercials?

but the real question is...

why are there so many vaccinated people hugging the ICU beds? does the Vaccine not work well or something???

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
what if you need a hospital bed for something non covid related...

you still gonna get punished for not getting injected as ordered?

is that ethical?