I have 2 amps, and exclusively play in my basement. They're both Fender Twin Reverbs. Volume doesn't drastically change the sound of them because they were designed to be super clean. So I play them at low volumes and let my pedals alter the tone as I see fit.
I think the only circuit that hasn't left my board since I got it is a RAT. I've got a bunch of different RATs, but I've always had at least one of them on my board. The circuit is just so good, from low gain light overdrive, to fuzz they really do it all. As long as I have built in reverb I could probably just get by with one of those and be happy otherwise. Of course variety is the spice of life so why limit one's self? I'm a big fan of low-mid gain overdrives and pretty much always have one of those on my board. Don't let the naysayers fool you, the Klon circuit is everything it's cracked up to be. Now, is what it does for you? Maybe, maybe not, but it definitely does what it's advertised to do. If you're wondering what that thing is, it's to create conditioning in the signal to cause the amp to get into natural overdrive regardless of volume.
Lately I've been dicking around with compressors quite a bit. That snappy, squishy sound is a lot of fun to mess around with.
Got any pictures of your various pedals?