General Can we all agree that Kyrsten Sinema is hot af?

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kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Being anti-war by definition stands in the way of cultural progress. How else we gonna give those Afghani women rights, bro?
nah. i do want them to have rights. and in the past, i thought it was noble to help other countries

but even if america had such a virtuous goal (which it doesnt) it wouldnt work. they need to fight and die for their own rights

member 1013

nah. i do want them to have rights. and in the past, i thought it was noble to help other countries

but even if anerican had such a virtuous goal (which it doesnt) it wouldnt work. they need to fight and die for those rights
So war is good?

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
You also see it when they creep up on the potentially losing their ability to make money. Ie, Tulsi's current mass market appeal.
What mass market appeal?

90% of Americans have never heard of her, and in her Presidential campaign her best result in any state was winning 3% of the vote.


kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
This is progressive.

This is not.
the american offense industry is a corrupt function of capitalism that is a way of printing money, funneling it to defense contractors friends, and them funneling some of it back to the corrupt politicians to keep the cycle going

maybe if america was a good country then we could discuss military invasions with good intent

but we are not. and "progressive" voters (as opposed to the concept of progressive ideas) are 100% anti war.

i, for instance, believe the USA military is the largest terrorist organization known to mankind


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Being anti-war by definition stands in the way of cultural progress. How else we gonna give those Afghani women rights, bro?
i am sure taliban 2.0 will be more progressive and throw environmentally friendly citric acid on women instead of the traditional sulfuric


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
the american offense industry is a corrupt function of capitalism that is a way of printing money, funneling it to defense contractors friends, and them funneling some of it back to the corrupt politicians to keep the cycle going

maybe if america was a good country then we could discuss military invasions with good intent

but we are not. and "progressive" voters (as opposed to the concept of progressive ideas) are 100% anti war.

i, for instance, believe the USA military is the largest terrorist organization known to mankind
Sir, these are libertarian views. Now stop passing yourself off as a progressive. No one is buying it.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Sir, these are libertarian views. Now stop passing yourself off as a progressive. No one is buying it.
not solely libertarian. this is one of the few areas which progressives and libertarians agree tho. for sure

and its one of the most important issues

too bad corporate democrats and coporate republicans still embody the majority of congress :(


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
I didn’t ask you, please shut the Fuck up.

RaginCajun @RaginCajun who is she
Democrat U.S. senator from Arizona. The same right-wing fuckboys who think Ann Coulter is attractive say that Sinema is ugly. Go figure.

And though I find her fairly attractive, especially for her age, she's not what I would consider hot tbh. But remember I'm from Mars and have standards.

member 3289

I didn’t ask you, please shut the Fuck up.

RaginCajun @RaginCajun who is she
Democrat U.S. senator from Arizona. The same right-wing fuckboys who think Ann Coulter is attractive say that Sinema is ugly. Go figure.

And though I find her fairly attractive, especially for her age, she's not what I would consider hot tbh. But remember I'm from Miami and have standards.

member 1013

Democrat U.S. senator from Arizona. The same right-wing fuckboys who think Ann Coulter is attractive say that Sinema is ugly. Go figure.

And though I find her fairly attractive, especially for her age, she's not what I would consider hot tbh. But remember I'm from Miami and have standards.
Shut the Fuck up


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
You must have missed her over the last month or so. She's gone full war machine shill.
Still wood.
And still would vote for her. The military is a large constituency on the national level. When everyone is dragging the military, she's showing that she's still on their side. Rand ain't perfect, but he's willing to take on Fauci.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Still wood.
And still would vote for her. The military is a large constituency on the national level. When everyone is dragging the military, she's showing that she's still on their side. Rand ain't perfect, but he's willing to take on Fauci.
It's not about supporting the servicemen. She's now advocating for foreign wars.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
It's not about supporting the servicemen. She's now advocating for foreign wars.
yeh. it was a wild miss of answer

they asked her what she thought about us blowing up children

and she circled around a bit and then gave a general promotion of drone attacks (as opposed to on the ground troops)

but in context of the question it wss like "yoooo we asked what you thouvht about blowing up children. and your response is that drone attacks are good? hello lady, anyone in there???"


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
You going to house these people you're bringing in through your open borders?
I'll vet the women bro. You think those people can't build houses out of rocks and be happy? Gotta get to know some real poor folk