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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Daniel and Sierra Halseth.

Anyway, Daniel's mother couldn't get ahold of him for a couple of days, became concerned, and reached out to her 16 year old granddaughter Sierra.

Turns out that he and Sierra had a row over his disapproval of her 18 year old boyfriend.

So she called her boyfriend, and the two of them stabbed her father to death, set fire to his corpse, and then made a video bragging about it.


"Welcome back to our YouTube channel...... Day Three after murdering somebody......."

She's been charged as an adult, but cannot face the death penalty because of her age. He's 18 and totally remorseless, so he's fucked.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Rosemary Kennedy, sister of John F Kennedy, pictured in 1938.

In 1941, aged 23, her father forced her to undergo a lobotomy, due to her mood swings, seizures and intellectual disability. This procedure rendered her permanently incapacitated and unable to speak, and the truth was kept secret for decades.
In her early young adult years, Rosemary Kennedy experienced seizures and violent mood swings. In response to these issues, her father arranged a prefrontal lobotomy for her in 1941 when she was 23 years of age; the procedure left her permanently incapacitated and rendered her unable to speak intelligibly.
Joseph Kennedy decided that Rosemary should have a lobotomy; however, he did not inform his wife of this decision until after the procedure was completed. The procedure took place in November 1941. James W. Watts, who carried out the procedure with Walter Freeman (both of George Washington University School of Medicine), described the procedure to author Ronald Kessler as follows:

We went through the top of the head, I think Rosemary was awake. She had a mild tranquilizer. I made a surgical incision in the brain through the skull. It was near the front. It was on both sides. We just made a small incision, no more than an inch.” The instrument Dr. Watts used looked like a butter knife. He swung it up and down to cut brain tissue. “We put an instrument inside”, he said. As Dr. Watts cut, Dr. Freeman asked Rosemary some questions. For example, he asked her to recite the Lord’s Prayer or sing “God Bless America” or count backward. “We made an estimate on how far to cut based on how she responded.”
When Rosemary began to become incoherent, they stopped.
Rosemary Kennedy spent most of the rest of her life being cared for at St. Coletta, an institution in Jefferson, Wisconsin. The truth about her situation and whereabouts was kept secret for decades. While she was initially isolated from her siblings and extended family following her lobotomy, Rosemary visited with them during her later life.





Nov 3, 2015
I didn't find the other thread with similar pictures so I'm gonna use this one:

Zeph @Zeph has a task for us. Do you find it and how long does it take?
I think I legit needed a minute.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Citizens of Moscow listen to a historic radio announcement, saying that German forces invaded at 4 AM that morning and that the war started. 30% of male population will perish in the next 4 years (including 90% of men born in 1923)…June 22th, 1941
Full radio transcription:

”Attention, Attention! Moscow speaks! Citizens of USSR, today at 4 in the morning, without declaration of war, German armed forces attacked the borders of the Soviet Union. Thus begins the Great Patriotic War of Soviet people against the German Nazi aggressors. Our cause is righteous! The enemy shall be defeated! Victory will be ours!”


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Two Japanese officers who held a contest to kill 100 people using a sword (Toshiaki Mukai and Tsuyoshi Noda, 1930s).
The contest to kill 100 people using a sword was a contest between Toshiaki Mukai and Tsuyoshi Noda, two Japanese Army officers, which took place during the Japanese invasion of China. The goal of the contest was to see who could kill 100 people the fastest while using a sword. The two officers were later executed on war crime charges for their involvement.

US Marines taking a coffee break after a brutal WWII battle (1940s)

Wedding rings that were removed from holocaust victims before they were executed

“A watch stopped at 08:15 AM found in Hiroshima”

The lobby of the North Tower of the WTC after the South Tower’s collapse

Inside one of the Twin Towers during 9/11 (below the impact floors), taken during evacuation

Wehrmacht soldiers testing the strength of the gallows before an execution

Istvan Reiner, aged 4, smiles for a studio portrait, shortly before being murdered at Auschwitz concentration camp.

This 1959 propaganda photo depicts Chinese children standing atop what appears to be an abundant field of wheat. But in reality, they stood on a bench surrounded by a field of transplanted stalks to hide the fact much of the country was under famine.
In visits to Henan province in 1958, Mao observed what local officials claimed was increases in crop yield of one thousand to three thousand percent achieved, supposedly, in massive 24-hour pushes organized by the officials which they called “sputnik launches”. But the numbers were faked, and so were the fields that Mao observed, which had been carefully prepared in advance of Mao’s visit by local officials, who removed shoots of grain from various fields and carefully transplanted them into a field prepared especially for Mao, which appeared to be a bumper crop.[59]:122
On how peasants would maintain the charade:
[Officials] exhorted the peasants to reach unattainable goals, by “deep ploughing and close planting”, among other techniques. This ended up making things much worse; the crop failed completely, leaving barren fields. No one was in a position to challenge Mao’s ideas as incorrect, so peasants went to extreme lengths to keep up the charade; some grew seedlings in their bedding and coats and, after the seedlings quickly sprouted, “planted” them in fields—the bedding made the plants look high and healthy.[59]:122
Total deaths range from 15-55 million.

Primary 1 class’s at Dunblane Primary School. On March 13th 1996, a gunman entered the school and committed the first and only school shooting in uk history. He murdered 16 of the children in this photo, as well as the teacher. Public outrage saw handguns banned

Nazi war criminal Werner Braune, moments before his execution for crimes against humanity (1951)

Schoolteacher Christa McAuliffe watches a successful launch of the Space Shuttle Challenger after being selected to join a later mission in January 1986, which would ultimately end in disaster. Oct. 30, 1985

An American man punching a Vietnamese man trying to board one of the last helicopters to leave Saigon.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Manchester Arena bomber Salman Abedi straining under the weight of his suicide bomb as he walks past two police officers on his way into the arena.

Abedi in an elevator in the arena, fiddling with wires under his coat.

Less than twenty seconds from detonating his bomb, sending thousands of nuts and bolts through the foyer and killing 22 Arianna Grande fans (and/or their parents.)


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
86 year old oil tycoon billionaire J Howard Marshall with 24 year old stripper Anna Nicole Smith during their wedding ceremony in 1991.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Photo was posted a few minutes before the helicopter crashed and killed them both.

First grade teacher Victoria Soto leads her students in a Christmas parade. Less than 2 weeks later Soto and 5 of her students (alongside 21 other people) would be murdered by Adam Lanza during the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

MH17, moments before takeoff. Everyone on board was killed.

Cherise Perrywinkle, 8, is led out of a Walmart by her murderer.
Cherise Perrywinkle was shopping with her family in a Dollar General when a man, Donald James Smith, approached them and offered to buy them clothes. The family went with him to Walmart, where he then offered to take Cherise to a McDonalds to get a hamburger but instead abducted and murdered her. Her body was recovered shortly after.

Later that evening, her Tinder date strangled her to death.

Lance Calvin Buckley with his wife and daughters last Halloween. Three weeks later he murdered all three, then killed himself.

Farkhunda Malikzada (in 2015) was ran over by a car, pushed of a roof, publicly beaten, stoned, and then burnt to death simply for ‘burning the quran’. After she died, they realized that she had in fact NOT burnt the Quran.
She was about to expose the corruption of a cleric who then used his standing in society to level false claims against her and urged the town to kill her.

Zainuddin was “the custodian of a holy shrine who trafficked in Viagra, condoms and pagan amulets, and who, when exposed, falsely accused a young woman named Farkhunda of burning a Quran.” His sentence was reduced from capital punishment to 20 years, which are to be served in the Pul-e-Charkhi prison.

Last known photo of Robin Williams, taken the day before he killed himself.

9 year old Turkish child draws herself being sold for sexual abuse by her mother and step father.

Fuck Seaworld.

Helicopter photo of the top of the World Trade Center.

4000 yr-old remains of a woman trying to protect a child from a massive earthquake and floods that devastated China in 2000 BC, sometimes known as ‘China’s Pompeii’.

The blood of just-assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin stains the text of a peace song that he had been carrying in his pocket as part of the peace rally during which he was killed by Israeli nationalist Yigal Amir who opposed Rabin’s agreements with Palestine in Tel Aviv, Nov. 4, 1995

On March 8, 1953, Rosary Shelfo carefully bathed her 2-week-old baby, then laid the infant face down on her kitchen cutting board and hacked off his head with a butcher knife. She told her husband, “I don’t know why I did it. I just did it.”

Green Bay Packers 1974 draft class. They cut wide receiver Randy Woodfield during training camp after he got arrested for indecent exposure.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Bullshit when the host site deletes the images. Oh well. Try a different approach.

Last image of Tennessee ranch foreman Wayne Spears, minutes before he was swept away and drowned by floodwater.

Andrés Escobar Saldarriaga scoring his famous own goal against the USA in the 1994 World Cup. This goal eliminated Colombia from the tournament. After returning home, Escobar was shot and killed by gangsters.

Gladys Ricard at her house with her bridesmaids, about to leave for her wedding ceremony. She has just turned to respond to a noise, and seen her jealous stalker of an ex-boyfriend, Agustin Garcia, enter the room with a handgun. A second or so after this photo was taken, he began firing and killed her.

Cups and syringes at Jonestown.

Afghanistan newly married couple on their wedding day.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Man moments before falling to his death at Lagoon Amusement Park in Utah on August 14th, 2021.


One of the 24 known suicide jumpers from the Golden Gate Bridge in 2004.

American Nazi Party parade in New Jersey, 1937.

In 2006 Miami Hurricanes players gathered at midfield in prayer for their slain teammate, Bryan Pata, who had been gunned down and killed. 15 years later - August 19, 2021 - his teammate Rashaun Jones (No. 38, at the left), has been charged with his murder.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Two Soviet infantrymen frozen to death in their foxhole. Finland, 1940.

Reagan meeting with the Afghan Mujahideen in the Oval Office.

Jean Bedel Bokassa during his coronation ceremony to make himself Emperor Bokassa The First, Central African Republic 1977. The ceremony wasted a third of the CARs entire annual fiscal budget.

Man trying to sell his 1928 Chrysler Imperial “75” Roadster, its list price had been $1555. Black Tuesday, 1929.

Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp complex, aerial photograph from a 1944 Allied recon plane. Camp is fully up and running and exterminating people by the thousands every day as this photo is taken. Smoke from the crematorium on the left.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
The story of Grace Millane's Tinder date in Central Auckland.

British backpacker Grace Millane, shortly before leaving for New Zealand:

Grace (black dress) walking to meet her Tinder date.

Jesse Kempson has a beer while waiting for her to turn up.

She arrives and they leave together, to walk to a nearby burger bar.

Discussing what to order at Andy's Burger Bar:


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
After burgers, they head to a cafe for another drink.

Arriving at a Mexican cafe.

He pays the bill as they prepare to leave.

Onto the next bar, where they make out a bit:

He comes back from the bathroom, and she smiles at him:


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
She goes to the bathroom, he looks at her Facebook page and comments "Beautiful, very radiant" on her profile picture. This was what identified him to the police as a person of interest (though they would have found him later through Tinder anyway)

His arm around her as they enter the central-city hotel that he is staying at.

Last time Grace Millane is ever recorded on film.

Scene of the crime. Kempson claimed that she accidentally died while engaging in consensual rough sex. Police claim that he deliberately strangled her to death.

Kempson leaving his room the next morning.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Kempson heads to a department store to buy a large suitcase.

Goes to a different store to buy cleaning products.

Then rented a car.

Returned to the hotel with more cleaning products, including a carpet cleaner.

Leaving his room with a trolley, looking down at a large suitcase which contains the body of Grace Millane, curled up in the fetal position.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Off he goes, with Grace's body in a suitcase in the boot of his rental car.

He Googled "Waitakeri Ranges" - a nearby mountain range. Now he drove to them, stopping to buy a shovel from a guy who is the long lost exact genetic clone of my old landlord:

Couple of hours later, he's washing the rental car inside and out:

A detective noticed his comment on her profile picture, and reached out to him. He replied, and they arranged an interview. He said that yes, he'd gone on a date with Grace, but they'd parted at around 10pm.

By that point, the cops already had CCTV footage and phone data proving that he was full of shit on that one. They busted him with that during interview #2, and his story shifted to claiming that yes, they had rough sex and he killed her during that, but it was accidental.

At trial, the prosecution pointed out that he'd made no attempt to contact emergency services at any point, and that he'd made several Google searches that night along the lines of "how to get rid of a dead body"

Jurors didn't believe his story.


Anyway, that's Grace Millane and Jesse Kempson. "That Chapter" has a good vid about this case on YouTube. Heaps more CCTV footage. Basically every step they took in public the whole night was recorded on CCTV. No way this mouthbreather was ever gonna get away with this one.

Last edited:

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
The building where the top Nazi officials gathered to discuss and approve the Final Solution:

On the left, an ex-girlfriend of Australian serial killer Ivan Milat poses on a beach wearing a sweater that Milan gave her as a gift.

On the right, the original owner of the sweater wearing it before Milat murdered her.

Dutch passenger takes a photo of his civilian flight, MH17, and posts to Facebook just in case it went missing. As a joke. It was shot down over the Ukraine by those good guys the Russians, killing him and all of the other 282 people on board.

Serial killer BTK (Bind, Torture, Kill) poses with his daughter two years after murdering the last of his ten victims:

Roger Chaffee, Virgil “Gus” Grissom, and Ed White, the Apollo 1 crew, jokingly praying over a miniature of their command module. All three would die when a flash fire swept through the command module during a test launch on January 27th 1967:

Andrei Zeltser, a Belarusian political dissident & software engineer, readies his shotgun as secret police (KGB) break down his door. Zeltser was subsequently killed along with one KGB agent.

The last photo of the last queen of Mongolia, just before she was killed as part of Stalinist repressions in 1938.



Putin is gay
Apr 24, 2015
One of the most disgraceful crimes in Australian history was the torture-murder of Anita Cobby by five ferals. Here is one of them, Gary Murphy, being arrested with piss running down his legs. He knows the Australian public's depth of feeling about the crime, and what is to come.

Gary's brother Michael arrives at the police station.

Soon after being arrested, Michael Murphy was attacked in prison by a group of inmates. They beat him up, held him down on the floor, then stuck a plastic tube up his ass. Into this tube, they inserted a length of barbed wire. Then they withdrew the tube.

The next time you get a bit down about your poor choices, or you think you're not in a great spot or you should be doing better - hey, at least you're not Michael or Gary Murphy.

Source for the anal assassination? I couldn't find it online.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Source for the anal assassination? I couldn't find it online.
Honestly? I am a true crime nut since I was a little kid, and I grew up on the other side of the city from where it happened. I was 4 at the time. It's a super famous crime in Sydney, they were the most hated pieces of shit in Australia when I was a kid. It's just one of those things that I guess I just "know" about the crime, being from that part of the world. To be honest, I can't tell you it's not an urban legend. Though I can tell you, it is certainly not at all unrealistic. Hard to overstate the level of universal hatred for them, and by most accounts it wasn't any different in the criminal population.


Big Dummy

Cream of the Crop
Dec 15, 2018
Source for the anal assassination? I couldn't find it online.
Honestly? I am a true crime nut since I was a little kid, and I grew up on the other side of the city from where it happened. I was 4 at the time. It's a super famous crime in Sydney, they were the most hated pieces of shit in Australia when I was a kid. It's just one of those things that I guess I just "know" about the crime, being from that part of the world. To be honest, I can't tell you it's not an urban legend. Though I can tell you, it is certainly not at all unrealistic. Hard to overstate the level of universal hatred for them, and by most accounts it wasn't any different in the criminal population.

I’m watching a documentary on YouTube about it, right now. They grabbed her off the street, stripped and beat her. Stole money from her purse and got gas. From there, they took her out to a secluded area, drug her through some barbed wire, brutally raped her and slit her throat nearly decapitating her. Sick fucks earned some “street justice.”


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
I’m watching a documentary on YouTube about it, right now. They grabbed her off the street, stripped and beat her. Stole money from her purse and got gas. From there, they took her out to a secluded area, drug her through some barbed wire, brutally raped her and slit her throat nearly decapitating her. Sick fucks earned some “street justice.”

I just had a quick search and there's a reddit thread named "Anita Cobby killer Michael Murphy dies in prison : r/Casefile" - one of the comments references hearing the barbed wire tube story. Either an urban legend, or something that really happened.


Big Dummy

Cream of the Crop
Dec 15, 2018
I just had a quick search and there's a reddit thread named "Anita Cobby killer Michael Murphy dies in prison : r/Casefile" - one of the comments references hearing the barbed wire tube story. Either an urban legend, or something that really happened.

i didn’t read or hear anything about that, but I can believe it. Apparently they drug her through a farmers barbed wire fence before assaulting her. Shit, she had dislocated joints and broke fingers. Those guys were fucking brutal.

Apparently one of the assailants got the shit beat out of him in the showers a couple of years ago. The beat moves on...



Nov 14, 2019
Ancient Chinese practice, “Lotus Feet”
This practice usually starts at an early age, and is achieved by breaking all the toes, then binding them with fabric over years to “mold” them into shape. This practice is STILL in use in some areas today