I'm enjoying the new talking point. Ie,
@Filthy proposes expanding mental health care. So gun confiscation enthusiast says "The GOP took away mental health funding!!!" as if that makes your initial statement less true.
don't get me wrong, CA has amazing funding of access to mental health care, and still not very good at getting it to the people who need it...Homelessness and Violent Crime are kind of synonymous with CA metro areas.
But I think that we should start on common ground and begin to aggregate incremental improvements. Big Bold Bans play well in media, and give people the virtuous warm fuzzy of righteous indignation at The Others, but it doesn't actually work out because of things like Iron Law of Prohibitions. And the whole notion of paternalistic gov't is antithetical to being American (IMAO).
but i think that if we start with agreeing that access to mental health is a social concern, for reasons of Violence to Homelessness, then we can talk about how to deliver it. If we can agree that Police Accountability is being abused through Qualified Immunity and Civil Asset Forfeiture, then we can figure out how to protect the good cops while replacing the bad cops with new good cops.
Small changes, keep moving in those directions. That's how democracy works when it gets things done, but that doesn't sell tickets to cable news.