Anyone else notice the black dude is the one taking pretty much all the heat?
Maybe because:
* He's the most conservative judge on the Court,
* His written opinion in this judgement is the most extreme out of the seven, and also
* (most important) because he was the only one whose written opinion specifically stated that the SCOTUS should also look at getting rid of things like same-sex marriage or the right to access contraception?
another example of why you are nothing but an emptyheaded moron clown when it comes to politics. It's VERY clear
exactly why Thomas is catching the most heat out of all the judges. If you'd paid any attention to this ruling
at all, then the answer to that question you posed would be blindingly obvious.
But of course, you give absolutely zero fucks about answering your braindead "question", because that would get in the way of shilling for cunts while pathetically pretending that you're some sort of neutral unbiased observer.