I don't know for sure but got the sense there are certain ACA benefits people are comfortable enough with now that they can't take them away so I can see what you're saying
@kaladin stormblessed
Exactly. Like minimum wage ... there's only one way it can go, which is up. Legislators voting to lower it would be a death sentence
Imagine universal basic income. Once that exists, you can't take it away
My main point tho is that the republican justices approved citizens United. Now Republicans and democrats are both bought out by corporations
I legitimately fear that if Trump gets into power again while so many corrupt right wings get into power in state governments, we may lose our democracy. So that's a threat
But assuming that doesn't happen, it's only a matter of time before america the younger generation replaces Republicans and establishment democrats with progressives who don't take corporate PAC money
Once that happens, america will finally blossom into what many consider the "American dream"
Progressives would pass:
- common sense laws on gun control and more
- women's reproductive rights
- paid maternity and paternity leave
- universal healthcare
- 16 years of public education
- higher minimum wage
These things would benefit not only progressive voters, but the majority of Americans
So my optimistic side believes that once we get a win, the next and the next become progressively easier to pass and harder to take away (no pun intended)