Society Let's Talk About The Community Standards

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The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
My acc is set to "discouraged user", the site is extremely funky and it's supposed to drive me and others away without outright banning me.
I think all the sane women of the world got together and put that "discouraged user" setting on my dating life.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
This "discourage user" setting is completely fucked if true.

It's news to me. I kept wondering why people said they got redirected or logged out etc. I figured it was on thier side..


Your Mother’s Lover
Dec 10, 2021
Let's just say I can hardly use the forum & pms, it usually gets worse the longer I stay logged in.
Just to answer you I had to log out and in 3 times now.

"Discouraged user" is a setting an Admin can make to your account, to well, discourage you from being here. There is just one Admin making decisions right now.
Shit dog used to do that to me.
Oct 24, 2015
It's news to me. I kept wondering why people said they got redirected or logged out etc. I figured it was on thier side..
I thought maybe Splinty @Splinty isn’t doing maintenance, so I logged out and the site works just fine. No redirect to other threads and everything loads quickly. No problems. Log back in and get redirected in the first go. Took me 7 tries to post this. Lol


Bruno no dey carry last
Dec 30, 2015
I thought maybe Splinty @Splinty isn’t doing maintenance, so I logged out and the site works just fine. No redirect to other threads and everything loads quickly. No problems. Log back in and get redirected in the first go. Took me 7 tries to post this. Lol
Maybe if you and Qat etc weren’t such tree hugging koom baa ya singing tree huggin lib big meanies who do nothing but spread transgenderism around this forum y’all wouldn’t have any problems with the place goddammit


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Maybe if you and Qat etc weren’t such tree hugging koom baa ya singing tree huggin lib big meanies who do nothing but spread transgenderism around this forum y’all wouldn’t have any problems with the place goddammit
Or, maybe if they had just decided to not make a troll (who blatantly disregarded/violated TOS for years, using multiple accounts to pull the strings of his followers), a martyr…which led to showing their inner asshole the past 3 weeks.
Oct 24, 2015
Or, maybe if they had just decided to not make a troll (who blatantly disregarded/violated TOS for years, using multiple accounts to pull the strings of his followers), a martyr…which led to showing their inner asshole the past 3 weeks.
Is this why Kelly and Leigh left?


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I'm not sure what you wanna say. It may not have been @
No idea. But other users with very different political beliefs have had the same issues. Which is mostly what's peaked my curiosity.


Nov 3, 2015
Or, maybe if they had just decided to not make a troll (who blatantly disregarded/violated TOS for years, using multiple accounts to pull the strings of his followers), a martyr…which led to showing their inner asshole the past 3 weeks.
Show me where I made cmnh a martyr. I don't really care that much about that ban, but I said you'd have to punish the other two involved as well.
How rude of me.

And if I am such a detriment to the board, why not just pink or ban me? Why do it the sleasy way?


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
View attachment 75448
I asked Big Dummy @Big Dummy about one I seen for 400 and he said go. Someone had got it before I could. Seen this as I have hirtenberger bid going on. I put 375 and won. Total with shipping and tax was 436. A little less what I would’ve pay locally.
It's always nice when you can get the same price as local from the comfort of your living room.

That should probably be Amazon's slogan: "Amazon. Because You're a Lazy Fuck"
Oct 24, 2015
Show me where I made cmnh a martyr. I don't really care that much about that ban, but I said you'd have to punish the other two involved as well.
How rude of me.

And if I am such a detriment to the board, why not just pink or ban me? Why do it the sleasy way?
What would be your bannable or pinkable offense? I find it funny that the talking point is CMNH. Splinty @Splinty would speak to text on his way to something at his work just to post something. I believe BeardOfKnowledge @BeardOfKnowledge even called him out on that. That dude was busy as shit and would find a way to post. Kelly isn’t posting anything. Leigh is gone also. They left because CMNH? Lol. I could care less about CMNH. Only thing bad about him leaving is that I can’t use this when he gets pinked. 3AE889EB-B82B-45CC-AA1E-9276BA493F0B.jpegWas he funny? Yeah but he ain’t no Sex Chicken @Sex Chicken and that dude isn’t coming around either. Good posting gone. But hey we got sparkuri @sparkuri and his free speech. Just don’t take those away or bullets will start flying.
Just to post this I got this several times D5C2A71A-E42A-47F3-9945-788FD0D36158.jpeg