General More Climate Change BS

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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I don’t think anyone is a ‘climate change’ denier. Lol
i deny everything . it is my policy . official story ...denied . graphs and charts...fake and ghey . scientist say so....obvious government shills and probably downlow communists. you name it ....i aint buying it


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
To be fair, NASA told us this POS contraption was on the moon too.


Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
The less ignorant is in reference to younger generation having access to information that we didn't have due to the internet

Good and bad information

I'm going to tap out. We can agree to disagree on the topic.

For what's its worth, young people things referred to all those Filthy animals that go bar hoping, parties, etc looking for mates for the night.

My guess is that most girls in their 20s would consider climate change denial a red flag, no pun intended
oh, you know I'm not trying to convince you or anybody what to think...I don't roll like that

I believe there is too much information(unreliable most of it and much is propaganda), so more is less in that case. It has never been easier to program a generation than with our current internet 24/7 bombardment. It started with print, then went to radio, then TV and now you can get programmed 24 hours a day if your not careful.

Girls in their 20s don't know jack mehoff about jack mehoff IMO. Have you met any of them lately, could you get them to look up from their phone haha(you probably could because you are a handsome SOB). I'm over 40 now so maybe I'm just an old fogie who doesn't know anything, I would be curious as to your views of all this once you are my age...

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Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
i deny everything . it is my policy . official story ...denied . graphs and charts...fake and ghey . scientist say so....obvious government shills and probably downlow communists. you name it ....i aint buying it
If you don't approach any new story or push of urgent information with healthy skepticism you're not doing your job as an experienced human.


I grew up fearing an incoming and sudden ice age because of "experts" citing 30+ years of data...In the short term(50 years now) it appears to have been alarmism at best.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
If you don't approach any new story or push of urgent information you're not doing your job as an experienced human.


I grew up fearing an incoming and sudden ice age because of "experts" citing 30+ years of data...In the short term(50 years) it appears to have been alarmism at best.
elementary school science back in the 70s/early 80s was al about the coming ice age...then they shifted to acid rain going to kill al the crops and change the pH of the ocean ...then the hole in the ozone layer (from bitches using hairspray ) lol ..... i am not falling for manbearpigs nonsense this time

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
elementary school science back in the 70s/early 80s was al about the coming ice age...then they shifted to acid rain going to kill al the crops and change the pH of the ocean ...then the hole in the ozone layer (from bitches using hairspray ) lol ..... i am not falling for manbearpigs nonsense this time
Killer Bees were a big fucking deal in the 80s, I still haven't seen one

AIDS/HIV stopped tens of millions from reproducing, turns out they were at zero risk

Murder Hornets

I could go on and on...

At some point you have to realize the population is getting played like puppets, plain and simple.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
oh, you know I'm not trying to convince you or anybody what to think...I don't roll like that

I believe there is too much information(unreliable most of it and much is propaganda), so more is less in that case. It has never been easier to program a generation than with our current internet 24/7 bombardment. It started with print, then went to radio, then TV and now you can get programmed 24 hours a day if your not careful.

Girls in their 20s don't know jack mehoff about jack mehoff IMO. Have you met any of them lately, could you get them to look up from their phone haha(you probably could because you are a handsome SOB). I'm over 40 now so maybe I'm just an old fogie who doesn't know anything, I would be curious as to your views of all this once you are my age...

I'm over 40 as well, ser!

(Don't watch video. But it came to mind since it's a play on age)


kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017

I watched the video, enjoyed it. Felt like late 90s vibe.

Are you calling me old tho, was I the old guy??
Yeh my buddy at work back in the day told me he liked it. It's slow, but it's got a good grunge type sound.

I don't like screamo type bands, but I tend to like when they do ballads like that

And yes. I'm calling you and me and most people old. It's a relative term tho. I only mean old as in I doubt you are hitting up the Hoboken bars funtil they close every Thursday and Friday to flirt with girls. And Wednesdays and Thursdays in the summer

And neither am I.

Miley Cyrus isn't partying in the USA anymore. But she's still pretty awesome. And old.


Feb 2, 2016
I absolutely believe mankind is effecting our climate. I have yet to see a solution proposed that isn't worse than if we ride it out.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
And yes. I'm calling you and me and most people old. It's a relative term tho. I only mean old as in I doubt you are hitting up the Hoboken bars funtil they close every Thursday and Friday to flirt with girls. And Wednesdays and Thursdays in the summer

And neither am I.

Miley Cyrus isn't partying in the USA anymore. But she's still pretty awesome. And old.
Ah, now I get it

Ya, I haven't drank more than a beer at a bar in 10+ years, I only go to them if they have good food.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I absolutely believe mankind is effecting our climate. I have yet to see a solution proposed that isn't worse than if we ride it out.
Every single non-govt. funded climatologist I've seen has mankind's possible impact to less than 1%, most saying .2% being generous.
That's 1/5th of 1 percent of the infinitesimal change being recorded.

To put things in perspective, the north polar ice caps that should've been gone by now as predicted 40 years ago now have more ice than then. Russia has 24 ice-breakers to North Americas 1(coast guard) , and has conquered the north sea.
Now IF the climate was changing year over year a planetary average of even 1 degree(which it's not even close to close to, and no one is even dare claim), mankind's impact at best is estimated at 1/500th of a degree based on carbon/CO2 emissions.
However, it's much less than that as claims are nowhere close to 1° year over year, which would be bad times.

"Climate Change" like every other totalitarian control measure could not be a bigger farce.
Although all the biggest countries DO mess with the weather 6 ways to Sunday, that giant star next to us and its cycles are what dictate the change of temperature as well as polar shifts.
On YT, Dutchsinse, SuspiciousObservers, The GSM channel as well as several others have covered this with data for years.
Bitchute, Brighteon, Rumble & Odyssey have enormous databases on this.
Chan Thomas' CIA-confiscated book "The Adam and Eve Story" went over this in the 60's, and dozens of scientists have been blackballed since, even 'disappeared'.

All that aside we should conserve our planet.
But the corporatocracy create "problems" & present "solutions" while shaming citizens.

"Climate Change" is another way of saying "The Military Industrial Complex needs the oil & your compliance to sustain the petrodollar".

This is nothing more than a struggle session en route to Bretton Woods 2.0, the fourth turning/industrial revolution culminating in complete & total digital slavery, as shown in every futuristic totalitarian movie from Logan's Run, Soylent Green & Silent Running, to 1984, Equilibrium, Blade Runner, Terminator, Atlas Shrugged, Divergent, Minority Report & dozens of others.


This has been a ☆sparkuri☆ special report.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
My guess is that most girls in their 20s would consider climate change denial a red flag, no pun intended
If they have a refrigerator and air conditioner tell them to fuck off.

Refrigerant emissions from residential air conditioning units make up about a third of annual HFC emissions in the United States, according to NRDC's modeling. Emissions from this equipment alone are equivalent to the annual climate pollution of 39 coal-fired power plants (based on a 20-year GWP).

Refrigerant emissions are a thousand times worse than CO2 emissions.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
If they have a refrigerator and air conditioner tell them to fuck off.

Refrigerant emissions from residential air conditioning units make up about a third of annual HFC emissions in the United States, according to NRDC's modeling. Emissions from this equipment alone are equivalent to the annual climate pollution of 39 coal-fired power plants (based on a 20-year GWP).

Refrigerant emissions are a thousand times worse than CO2 emissions.


how bout dat
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
If they have a refrigerator and air conditioner tell them to fuck off.

Refrigerant emissions from residential air conditioning units make up about a third of annual HFC emissions in the United States, according to NRDC's modeling. Emissions from this equipment alone are equivalent to the annual climate pollution of 39 coal-fired power plants (based on a 20-year GWP).

Refrigerant emissions are a thousand times worse than CO2 emissions.
Now you want to take our fridges too!!!!


Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
If they have a refrigerator and air conditioner tell them to fuck off.

Refrigerant emissions from residential air conditioning units make up about a third of annual HFC emissions in the United States, according to NRDC's modeling. Emissions from this equipment alone are equivalent to the annual climate pollution of 39 coal-fired power plants (based on a 20-year GWP).

Refrigerant emissions are a thousand times worse than CO2 emissions.

so if you stop buy on a hot humid day I can't offer you ice in your drink or a cool place to chill
gonna have to deal with your body odor and excessive sweating too