General Breaking: Baltimore MD - Ship collides with Bridge.

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Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Also, ships like this cannot be hacked remotely. They don't have a connection. If it was an self induced computer problem that caused the power outage, it would have to be done by someone on board.
Colonels & Generals disagree, Douglas Macgregor & Mike Flynn of note.
Having the harbormaster/captain(iirc) Ukranian may have helped with that if true.

Do you have info on this not being hackable?
Russia has amazing warfare capabilities.


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
Colonels & Generals disagree, Douglas Macgregor & Mike Flynn of note.
Having the harbormaster/captain(iirc) Ukrsnian may have helped with that if true.

Do you have info on this not being hackable?
Russia has amazing warfare capabilities.
I posted it. Where are you getting your info from?


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
But you named names, so there must be a source.

When I said I posted it, I meant I posted my source.
I thought that post deserved a laugh.
Is my humor drier than a crack whore in death valley?


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Here's Lara Logan fwiw


I watched videos from Flynn & Macgregor, floating around out there, not that I need to, I know what I know as a lifetime war guy.

1. U.S. warns of terror attack on Moscow Mall.(lol)
2. Victoria Nuland says Putin's got a Moscow surprise coming.
3. Victoria Nuland "fired".
4. Terrorist attack, gates to Ukraine, MO of CIA(Telegram & crypto).
ISIS blamed, WH immediately confirms, no condolences.
5. Putin says "he knows" after interrogation & FSB follow-up and "all will pay".
6. B-line direct hit Bridge collapse, 2 minutes missing. First major bridge collapse in decades. WH immediately says "accident".
Military supply ships stuck.

Standard operating procedure.

Russia heading to Red Sea.
France, etc. etc.
Warm war getting hotter.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
I dont get why they would target baltimore they could target san pedro CA and easily do 10 times the damage our port here basically supplies the entire west coast and even texas because we transport containers on rail from Tucson to new mexico and texas. If they strike in L.A county it would be catastrophic almost immediately and affect maybe 100 million people who wont be able to get supplies from containers in an easy day the port of long beach gets 10 of those ships.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I dont get why they would target baltimore they could target san pedro CA and easily do 10 times the damage
There's 2 quick response military supply ships now stuck in Baltimore, and 2 Russian vessels headed to the Red Sea for the first time in who-knows-when.
IF a NATO terrorist attack was coordinated in the Russian capital to send the message "we can hit you anywhere", the same message was just sent next to the U.S. capital.

IF this was an accident, it is one enormous coincidence in light of Nuland's statements & State Department warnings.
This is strikingly similar to the Turkish downing of a Russian SU-24, & the "coincidence" of the Turkish bombing of the Airforce barracks a week later.

Russia is the only country in the world that has the capability of wiping the U.S. off the map with nuclear hypersonics, of which there is no defense.
They've showed amazing restraint since 2014 through current.
The message most analysts, and myself get from this, is that psychopaths do not control Russian military policy.
After breaking NATO agreements 200x since the Cold War agreements, it wasn't until Crimea, now Ukraine, that their red lines were implemented.
NATO(U.S.) has broken every agreement, calling them "outdated".
When Russia asked to join NATO prior to 2014, it went from "maybe" to NO during the Clinton admin., despite there being no reason to exist post cold war.
"New World Order" has exited every President's lips from Bush Sr. to Biden, save Trump.

So to answer your question, it's not about exerting more damage, it's a "do you really wanna go there?" message.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Lol, that guy's paranoid
He's not paranoid, just undereducated with a low-IQ.
The bridge collapse was already occuring, conduits with power snapping create sparks.

It's hard to blame guys for going there with what our government has done to the world, and its own citizens.
But he sounds like a basement dweller with talk like that.


Nov 14, 2019
Anyone that thinks this was anything other than operating/malfunction/cutting costs error is so far down the rabbit hole they cannot be rescued

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
The investigation has been concluded

Breaking News
This is what my man on the scene says...
Anyone that thinks this was anything other than operating/malfunction error is so far down the rabbit hole they cannot be rescued