What manly sh!t have you done today?

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Stay gold
Nov 21, 2016
Hopefully not for shit pay.
The pay isn’t amazing but the hours are.

I work 5 days on 5 off. 11 hours each day. If you work an overnight shift you get the next day off with pay and can take the OT at double time or bank 2 days off. I get 5 weeks of holidays and 120 hours of paid sick leave each year.

The year before last I worked 12 overnight shifts which equaled 24 days of extra holidays. Because of that I was only at work for roughly 3 months of the year.


Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
Nothing too manly but did change my oil on my old truck yesterday and took my wife fishing. A pretty good day off work.


We. Live. In. A. Fucking. Meme.
Oct 23, 2015
Just joining this thread - gonna need to go through all 120+ pages of it later.

The mountain pics a couple pages back remind me of living at the base of the Cascades in central Oregon - I grew up there.

I very much miss the geography and weather...it was so beautiful. But GAWD is Oregon a shit state (why I won't ever go back except maybe to visit).


We. Live. In. A. Fucking. Meme.
Oct 23, 2015
As far as manly shit...does this count:


I got Micro-Wiggy (my 7-year old granddaughter - I help my daughter raise her and she's with me a lot of the time) off the school bus yesterday afternoon. It was her 2nd day back to school - 2nd grade.

Anyway, she apparently got hurt at recess. She was climbing on the monkey bars, slipped, fell off them, and slammed pretty hard. I couldn't tell by how she described it if she actually hit the bars on the way down...I don't think so. But she did land fairly flat-backed and got the wind knocked out of her.

She was telling me about it, what happened, etc.

She said apparently the teacher tried to call my daughter, but she was too busy at work, didn't see the call, etc. I guess they wanted her to come pick Micro-Wiggy up or something?

"Pfffft", I said. "You didn't need that."

"Why not?" she asks.

"Well, you & I are here now, right?"


"And are you ok?"

"Yeah," she says again.

"See? Then why should mama have come & picked you up? You're tough. Yeah, it hurt it was crazy when it first happened for sure..." (I then go into a time I slipped on the ice when I was not much older than her & had the wind knocked out of me...which made her laugh) "...but you're good now, right?"

"Yeah," she says...I can tell she's thinking.

"In fact," I say, "This is actually the BEST thing that could happened!"

"WHY!?!" she asks, absolutely stunned.

"Well, you'd never been on the monkey bars before, right?"


"And you fell and busted your tail pretty hard the FIRST time you tried to climb 'em, right?"


"And you're good now, right?"


"See? Now you know they can't do ANYTHING bad to you. The very FIRST time you tried to climb, you fell and knocked the wind of out you. It was hard to breathe for a minute and I'm sure a little scary. But you ended up Ok, and even if you're a little sore, now, you're Ok, right?"

I hold her hand when we walk to my house, so I proceed to swing her arm all about, which makes her laugh.

"Yeaaaaaah", she says giggling.

"So you already had the WORST thing happen to you, and it was no big deal, right?"

"Yeah, you're right!"

"Then if you wanna climb on it tomorrow, it'll be nothing. You have no reason to be scared, since you've already felt the WORST it can do to you, and it's no big deal!"

"Yeah..." she says kinda quietly. "But I think I'll avoid it, just in case."

"Why?", I ask. "The monkey bars *already* tried to go after you & couldn't do anything. So why not climb? You literally had the WORST thing that could happen to you, and now you're laughing, right?"

"Yeah," she says, smiling.

"So why avoid it? I would get "just in case" if you thought it could do something bad. But you've already taken the worst the monkey bars can dish out and shown them you're tougher than that."

Now she's smiling huge.

"YEAH!" she says.

About then, we get to my house and the subject is dropped.

Fast-forward to this afternoon, and I get her off the school bus again. We're walking back to my house.

"How's your back, kiddo?", I ask, shaking her arm all about.

"hahaha Gramps, I feel GREEEEAAAAAT!" she exclaims.

"Nice!", I try to say...but before I can even say that, she interrupts me...

"GUESS WHAT!?!" she exclaims.

"hahah what, kiddo?"

"I climbed on the monkey bars again. And it was soooooo fun!" she says.

I smile & tell her I'm proud of her.

"You weren't scared?" I ask.

"Why should I be? The monkey bars did their worst yesterday and it was no big deal, right?" she asks, as if she's teaching me.

"You're right", I say, half laughing.

She then goes on to describe every element of recess, as well as the rest of her 3rd day of school on the rest of the walk back to my place.

So if that counts...making my 7-year old granddaughter a bit tougher is the manly shit I did today (and yesterday lol).


Shogun of the Iron Liver - '98 OGer
Sep 3, 2020
1) Woke up and fucked my hot, young, blonde wife properly.
2) Drove my 1972 Chevelle 454 SS to the office. It was painful dropping into the seat, as I tore my hamstring last Thursday wrestling (also manly)
3) Found a buyer for a Company I'm selling. (providing for a family is manly)
4) picked out my birthday gun
5) just took a shot of tequila

Oh, and changed my avatar to ultra-Chad, banana-hammock Trump, which is mostly manly and only a little bit *beep*


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Cut grass and trimmed all of the landscaping this morning. Met an old friend of mine for lunch, who's in town from Holland. Got home about an hour ago, and parking my ass on here the rest of the night.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2024
Did flooring on a staircase, which is a bitch, on my day off of all things- be doing it tomorrow as well - and I’m a desk jockey


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
Moved shipping containers with a chain and an F350.
Then went and bought a bunch of steel and lumber.

Feels good man, feels right.


Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
Oct 24, 2015
Jacked off, took a nap, watched the Sopranos, ate an entire box of mac n cheese. Manly AF.


Active Member
Jan 26, 2020
Ripped out the interior, degreased the engine bay, and scrubbed the outside of my car in preperation for an engine swap.IMG_9622.jpegIMG_9618.jpegIMG_9625.jpeg74560612949__DA5D9A9D-9014-4E95-9DD4-FBC425D74241.jpeg


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
Loaded a trailer for the dump.

Also swapped plates, I've had an outlaw trailer for a decade. Lost the paperwork and just never registered it.
I have 4 trailers, 3 plates.

So manly AND shady!


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Untold amount of dad stuff.
Had time to redo the floor here after tornado winds skimmed by a few months ago & tore off the top.



Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
Stopped by Home Depot on the way home from work. Bought the shit to do the maintenance on my ZTR that I should have done at the beginning of the mowing season.


Aug 13, 2024
I ate a chicken burrito off the lunch truck and just got out of the shower after farting and shitting my pants. No stomach pain, no sign of issues...just a small fart that was hot as fire.