General The democrats just surrendered

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Mar 3, 2015
It's self correcting. Anyone mentally ill trying to commit an offence with a gun or any weapon will be permanently illimated from committing any futher offences. In a lot of cases before the crime even happens.

The government cannot be trusted to keep anyone safe. They give absolutely no shits about anyone
The justice system is totally broken.
They will abuse their subjects if they are unarmed. This has been proven.
If shit hits the fan do you want to be unarmed or armed ?
Media totally lies and distorts the amount of " safety " and crime statistics in countries like Australia regarding guns by choosing what they report.
The real criminals you need to be protected from is government.
You can't delegate authority to someone that you yourself don't have.
You're living in an absolutely fantasy land if you think you will be safer with gun restrictions. It's the exact opposite.
Like rent controls might be well intentiond but have the exact opposite effect.
The best solution is deregulation. Always.
That’s why I vote a certain way lol.

Flying Knee

Active Member
Jun 11, 2024
You think arming up mentally ill people will solve these school shootings etc? Or arming everyone like it’s the Wild Wild West?

You guys keep talking about losing your guns etc.

I’m talking about certain guns that you don’t need in your homes.

-Mentally ill people don’t need guns. That includes people that have substance abuse issues, or anger issues, suffer from PTSD or is bi polar etc

-if you’re aren’t any of that. You still need to have a proper background investigation.

-you don’t need semiautomatic weapons in your home. Go shoot them at the range.

-you don’t need modded weapons either.

-there’s plenty of thriving countries that are gun less and don’t suffer the crimes or shootings we do.
why wouldn't they need to be in our homes? Im curious on this one.
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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
voting is rigged to fuck but absolutely nothing has been done about it since the last election so i dont know why anyone wouldnt think this one is going to be rigged too . they might let the red team win or the blue team but the outcome is already determined . politics is about as real as pro wrassling


Feb 10, 2024
I won't go any further with this and I won't talk shit. I know I'm already on the line.
If you want to have an honest debate I'll do it all day, and I'll "win", because my position doesn't come from the place of fear, it comes from hard facts, a belief in the constitution, and the acknowledgment that a man is responsible for his own destiny.

You won’t talk shit. But you did lol.

I’ll win.

that was just the beginning lol
If you’re here to cause shit go find another forum to act like a faggot. We do not put up with that garbage here.

Flying Knee

Active Member
Jun 11, 2024
If you’re here to cause shit go find another forum to act like a faggot. We do not put up with that garbage here.
I feel like anyone should beable to voice their opinion. But he probably has some weak points which is why he hasn't replied


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
Majority of mass shootings happen with semi automatic weapons. That’s the point of using them. Cause as much harm in a short period of time.

again when children are dying and adults or kids are getting access to these guns. Whether it’s at home or the gun shop. Fuck your amendment rights. My child and everyone else’s children’s safety comes first
I think you have the right idea but you aren’t there just yet…..

The weapon of choice isn’t the problem. It is who is using it. MALES! That is the root cause. Males and their nasty ass testosterone and tendencies for violence! Almost all of these shootings are perpetrated by males. That is the root of this problem and where we need to nip it in the bud.

We should start putting estrogen, fluoride, and other chemicals in their food to make them meek and compliant. Tame that thirst for violence!

Do it for the children!