Dogg these guys play football for a living. They've always been savage as fuck, even the white ones. You're just seeing it more now because of cams/video.OK Gook.....let me explain, it's one thing to have blacks playing it's another thing to have them running it and running amok. The game has definitely gotten way more ghetto. don't knock on my window - don't knock on my window - don't knock on my window - don't knock on my window. Sucks but I get it, I'm an old man that longs for less drama and more football.
If Reek wasn't playing football he'd be dead, in jail, dealing or addicted and homeless. That's how far the game has fallen.
Olden days cops wouldnt even fuck with NFL guys, they were treated like royalty. Ed o Neil talked about being piss drunk after getting cut from Pittsburgh, driving around shirtless and cops just let him drive home lol. How do you think that interaction would've gone today?