General I Fired A Guy This Morning

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Bungee up

Active Member
Jun 25, 2022
As long as you are clear on expectations you never fire someone, people fire themselves, they are the ones who made the decision.

I always ask myself a two prong question.

1st, did they know what they did was wrong. If the answer is no then that is my failure for not setting proper expectations. If yes we move on to the second prong.

2nd, does their explanation for what or why they made that decision make sense, if no, well, they just fired themselves.
That's straight up sun tzu shit.
Can't argue with that logic.
I take it you're familiar with that book ?

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
Something I've noticed about people that are poor performers and are oblivious to it. I'll see that they are getting close to being let go and almost every time right before it happens they will come in and tell people about some very expensive, poorly thought out purchase they just made. It's almost like a sign that the universe is about to kick them in the nuts for being an idiot.
It is always funny to hear the person we consider the ignoramus at work say he bought a 120,000 dollar fully loaded dodge trx when he can barely afford it. his car note looks like a mortgage.

Bungee up

Active Member
Jun 25, 2022
I've had a few people walk off the job site.
I've only sacked one person ( my usless cousin).
They all had made their mind up previously. None of them showed signs of it though. But you could tell they just had enough of working and were looking for a reason to go. So next minute you would see someone leaving the job site. Not knowing why but knowing exactly why. They just wanted to go home and do nothing.
I wasn't the employer but I was the boss. I was doing the job and they were the help.
I don't think I ever spoke to any of them like shit.
If they fucked up I'd tell them what they did wrong.
Not once did I consider running down the road and talking them out of leaving. I knew why they left and deep down they did to.
In the case of my cousin. I had to talk to the builder and gave him instructions on how to screw the roof battens . I was talking to the builder directly below him watching him. I reminded him of the instructions I'd just gave him. He continued doing it incorrectly. I remind him again and next minute he's having a cigarette up there sitting down as if he's having a nervous breakdown.
I told him to get down off the roof and said " is this to much for you mate? I told you 3 times now how to do it . Is it not in your capabilities "*
him* "( like a kid ) no.
* Me * " are you just saying that to placate me ( even though we aren't close cousins we both use words like that to each other) *him* "yes"
*me*" well there's a train station 2 kilometres in that direction. No hard feelings. You can walk from here , I've got work to do."

There's a lot of shit in my life looking back that I'm not exactly proud of but I'm not disappointed in how I handled any of the situations of people leaving/ quitting/ firing. They knew there time was up. It wasn't about me and it wasn't about money. They just couldn't hack the grind of the work day after day. They needed a holiday so they gave themselves one. Permanent.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
I had a guy who got wind that he was getting fired. He came to my cubical and tried to intimidate me. I told him that I was going to let him finish out the day. But because he came to my cubical like he wanted to fight me he can go home now. He was totally crestfallen and his posture immediately changed. He was fucking over his coworkers by being a total flake. I kind of wish he would have swung on me because he was a lazy fat body.


Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
lol at fighting your boss because they didn’t want to pay for your work anymore, some ppl are pathetic.
We had a guy return after he was fired when the building was empty
He dumped a shit load of roofing nails through out the parking lot maybe 7 or 8 cars had 4 flats on each car before everyone realized what was going on
he was caught on security cameras arrested had to pay for all the damage


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I had a guy who got wind that he was getting fired. He came to my cubical and tried to intimidate me. I told him that I was going to let him finish out the day. But because he came to my cubical like he wanted to fight me he can go home now. He was totally crestfallen and his posture immediately changed. He was fucking over his coworkers by being a total flake. I kind of wish he would have swung on me because he was a lazy fat body.
We had a guy get fired from site for whatever reason. My boss drove out 80 miles to pick him up and take him back to his car in town, I missed it but apparently he was kicking off and mouthing.

My boss never told me what he said on the ride back. I think it involved me. (My boss was my best buddy in America, I used to ask him this all the time but he never told me what was said)


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
My total is probably 30+. It's never fun but I generally give them plenty of coaching and clarification of expectations so when they continue to fuck up the day the hammer finally comes is rarely a huge surprise.

Had one guy with an attendance/punctuality problem no call/no show when I had a scheduled vacation day. This resulted in me going in to cover his shift. Multiple phone calls went unanswered and he failed to show the next 3 days. I figured he ghosted us, but then he walks in on day 4 about 3 hours late and just starts working. I asked "What are you doing, dude?" And he just replied "Uh...working" and he said it with a snarky teenager tone despite being in his mid-30s. I resisted the urge to punch him in his stupid face and just said "I can't even begin to tell you how fired you are. Get the fuck out of here." He was legit shocked.

I had another dude who clearly didn't give a fuck about quality. I gave him a couple chances but eventually let him go. He called me up drunk as fuck 10 days later to tell me he wasn't going to be in at work the next day. LMAO.


Double-hard bastard
Feb 25, 2015
I would have been fine if you just stood up with the boner and shook my hand.

They weren’t tears. I had allergies.


Active Member
Aug 14, 2024
It's really difficult to fire someone in our company unless they just do something outrageous that hurts one of our clients. Our clients have the power to bitch about someone and get them fired. Otherwise, we have to deal with HR and tell them WHY the person deserves to be fired. Then we have to come up with a measurable goal for the person and put them on a Performance Improvement Plan. A few months later we have to show HR that they aren't meeting the goal. Then we have to warn them again and put them on a PIP2. Then we sometimes have to do a 3rd PIP. But usually by then the person sees the writing on the wall and tries to transfer to another department before they are fired.


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
Had 1 go completely nuts. 182 text messages in about 16hrs, all crazier than the last. Threatening to kill me, my family, Threatening to come to the airbase. Its was nuts.
He called SO to file a report on me with all kinds of legit insane allegations. Of course all those guys know me lol.

He worked for us for about 3 weeks, I'd said maybe 10 words to him. The last 6 were "I don't care, get to work" when he was trying to tell me about some tinder date. Apparently that's what set him off. He walked out and I figured good, done with this loser..... nope.
That shit went on all night
Next day I find out my boss also got a couple hundred texts that night, all about me and how I was going to destroy our business.

It continued to escalate until a DA told him it would be in his best interest to leave Montana and never come back or he was going to spend years in jail for terroristic threats.
I always had at least one gun in my truck, but this was the first time I kept a gun in my room at the base (major crime) and made my partner lock her door and only come out if I or a cop tood her to.

It was a weird week.
I spent a Saturday on my deck with a long gun waiting for him to come up my road.

Le Chat Noir

Le Chat Noir ©
Jan 28, 2020
We had a guy get fired from site for whatever reason. My boss drove out 80 miles to pick him up and take him back to his car in town, I missed it but apparently he was kicking off and mouthing.

My boss never told me what he said on the ride back. I think it involved me. (My boss was my best buddy in America, I used to ask him this all the time but he never told me what was said)
I’m you’re best buddy in America, you faggot!

Le Chat Noir

Le Chat Noir

Le Chat Noir ©
Jan 28, 2020
My total is probably 30+. It's never fun but I generally give them plenty of coaching and clarification of expectations so when they continue to fuck up the day the hammer finally comes is rarely a huge surprise.

Had one guy with an attendance/punctuality problem no call/no show when I had a scheduled vacation day. This resulted in me going in to cover his shift. Multiple phone calls went unanswered and he failed to show the next 3 days. I figured he ghosted us, but then he walks in on day 4 about 3 hours late and just starts working. I asked "What are you doing, dude?" And he just replied "Uh...working" and he said it with a snarky teenager tone despite being in his mid-30s. I resisted the urge to punch him in his stupid face and just said "I can't even begin to tell you how fired you are. Get the fuck out of here." He was legit shocked.

I had another dude who clearly didn't give a fuck about quality. I gave him a couple chances but eventually let him go. He called me up drunk as fuck 10 days later to tell me he wasn't going to be in at work the next day. LMAO.
I used to coach, thinking this poor guy just hasn’t been brought along, basically giving them paint by numbers, but I’ve realized if they need that they will never get it.
So Now I look at it as giving them all the rope in the world to hang themselves with And just document it for my HR girls.

Le Chat Noir

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
He almost cried and I told him it wasn’t personal.
He said he did his best and I wanted to say that’s the problem, stupid…but I was nice and said I know.
He was one of the slowest, laziest, and dumbest people I’ve ever come across.
He reached out to shake my hand, but I couldn’t stand up because of my massive erection….this was one of my favorite firings ever.

Please to share your favorite times firing someone here….or even having them fired.

Le Chat Noir

Oct 28, 2022
I got duped once in an interview by a woman that had a lot of industry experience, but lied about proficiency with computers. She was retarded the point that she didn’t understand how to save files in specific folders and find them later. I had to fire her over Zoom and she couldn’t figure out how to open the Zoom invite. When she finally got it open, she couldn’t figure out how to turn her webcam on(it was built into her laptop). After I walked her through it, she turned her camera on and her video was just black. I asked her if her privacy slider was covering the camera and she said no repeatedly. She ended up turning her camera off and then back on shortly after and magically….I could see her…but only half of her because she didn’t slide it all the way over. It took 10-12 minutes to get to this point just to tell her she was fired. Afterwards, she started texting me, emailing me, etc asking why she was fired. Bitch I told you why and you gave a perfect demonstration of why it wasn’t working out lol.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
I used to coach, thinking this poor guy just hasn’t been brought along, basically giving them paint by numbers, but I’ve realized if they need that they will never get it.
So Now I look at it as giving them all the rope in the world to hang themselves with And just document it for my HR girls.

Le Chat Noir
It's tough because it's difficult to reach people. But it's in my nature to try. I have seen behavioral improvements. Now whether that was me or just them getting a bit more mature I have no idea. Admittedly it's very rare.

But yeah - I definitely document everything. In some aspect, I've been coached towards that behavior. "If it isn't documented it didn't happen."