I think he needed to withhold the client list, so the clients could become confidential informants & more evidence could be collected and who was behind it all identified. I think this past 3 1/2 years (really 7 1/2 years) has been an exercise of capturing election fraud, capturing A LOT of evidence (from J6, to money laundering, to Govt corruption, to influence of foreign countries, to what was happening with Twitter & Facebook, to Wall Street, to human trafficking). The worlds greatest sting operation.
I dont think Trump's next 4 years are going to be anything like the first four, where he had to play politics while evidence was gathered. And the world had to be awakened by Biden 'taking office'. I think the next 4 years are going to be mass arrests, RICO charges, Treason charges, public trials, public executions for some, etc. I know...that's conspiritard level shit, but let's see what happens.