I've been seeing him pop up a lot lately, first time being an episode of unsubscribe a few months back. By all means dig in on your own, but from what I've seen so far feels like a CI media personality.
Former army intel guy, currently works for some Intel subcontractor, was part of a drone start up that he just left, but never seems to take a stance opposing w/e the official talking points are at the time.
Seems to be aiming for an Andrew Bustamante alt, but comes off like Officer Barbrady with a super consistent "nothing to see here" message.
NJ drones - first there were none, then there were but they were just civ models nowhere near military bases, etc.
Ukraine - US gotta be there, Ukraine is winning, need to send more money, etc
Talks a big game on the cyber side of things, but from the handful of videos I've watched he seems to rely on suites that do the aggregation for him, rather than writing for himself (SQL queries and RESTAPI command sets are not coding). More of a script kiddie than hacker.
Basically regurgitates the same talking points from CNN/Fox just worded in an online fashion.
Could be be correct that the guy Shawn interviewed is full of shit? Sure, wouldn't be the first time Shawn rushed things and had to issue a retraction.
But until I start seeing the claims coming from other sources, I'm not buying it.