I'm sure about it and you're dead wrong. Political correctness is not a good thing, being a decent human being is and it doesn't need any other label than that. When we give it this retarded term then we retard social discourse and that is a slippery slope my friend. If you were to take a look around, you'd have seen this SJW phenomenon that's sprung up, you'd have noticed the new definition of rape that has now become accepted, you'd have noticed double standards in things that matter and equity in trivial bullshit that appeases those who shout the loudest. Nobody benefits in the long run when we ignore how these things have become part of the norm.
That depends on how you understand what it means to "create or force a culture." What do you mean by that?
As I understand it, I 100% disagree with you. As I understand it, culture is most definitely created and sometimes it is forced e.g. nazism, communism north korea style. While it's true some things do happen organically, some things most definitely are part of an agenda. When people encourage or discourage certain behaviours until they become norms then I consider that akin to creating or forcing culture.
Totally agree with you, the problem is there is slipper slope called p.c. culture and a lot sketchy behaviour gets tolerated because someone says it's offensive to question things that should be questioned.