Typical.I'll give one last answer because you asked, although I don't think you believe I'm reasonable or an alternative viewpoint, I think you view me as an opponent.
Presented with one point your answer was 'he could've been sued'.
Presented with another point your answer was: 'Wallstreet collapse was not causing racial divide in our country'
Should've know then we were playing teams and trying to be rightfighters instead of trying to figure out where people's heads were at. Nothing is more emotional than spending time spinning excuses for bad behavior instead of being real about it.
I could do this pretty much anywhere, endless pages of points nobody is really listening to that devolves into passive aggressiveness and stupid loose alliances of posters & mods bagging on each other.
Maybe people didn't realize that I was completely serious when I said I didn't want to come here and do this. It's about peace of mind. I'm not here to be somebody's fictional liberal enemy. I don't have time for it.