Society The Donald J. Trump Show - 4 more years editions

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First 100
Jan 15, 2015
lol @ this "anarchist". Keep fighting the power big guy. Check out his "Fuck the Police" button. lolol. That mother fucker would be the first to call police when shit goes down.



Rear Naked Poke
Mar 15, 2015

They all lie, just who lies more?
That's a super misleading graph, unless of course you can provide some context for this graph (an article?) that you didn't link to. Otherwise, super, super misleading.

Just read the sub-headline where it says "Statements since 2007...". Just read that blurb and address this:

#1, there's no explanation for why 2007 was the start year to start the sample. #2, they never say how big the sample size is for how many statements each candidate made, #3 they make no distinction whether the lies were in the context of political issues or if it was harmless lying, such as like lying to a child that Santa Claus exists. Plenty of problems with just throwing a graph up there.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Remember the chick that chained her throat to that car? 4chan trying to figure out who she is and what her motives are...


Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
That's a super misleading graph, unless of course you can provide some context for this graph (an article?) that you didn't link to. Otherwise, super, super misleading.

Just read the sub-headline where it says "Statements since 2007...". Just read that blurb and address this:

#1, there's no explanation for why 2007 was the start year to start the sample. #2, they never say how big the sample size is for how many statements each candidate made, #3 they make no distinction whether the lies were in the context of political issues or if it was harmless lying, such as like lying to a child that Santa Claus exists. Plenty of problems with just throwing a graph up there.
Here's a link -

I agree the graph doesn't represent the lies very well. My main reason behind throwing it up is to provide a visual that all of these politicians lie through their teeth. Like Splinty said some lies are worse than others.

Deleted member 1

Remember the chick that chained her throat to that car? 4chan trying to figure out who she is and what her motives are...

Motives? Block people from listening to words.
Keep an open border. Advance her paid career of professional Astro turf..

Very liberal tolerance.

I guess it's good she didn't put on a KKK uniform like every one else seems so bent on doing.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
I haven't read one comment, but will assume we all be joking and clowning on him.

That being said, would you rather have a diabolical liar and woman who is part of the "establishment" and will put us in a situation where bill Clinton rules again? Laughable. She's

Deleted member 1

I haven't read one comment, but will assume we all be joking and clowning on him.

That being said, would you rather have a diabolical liar and woman who is part of the "establishment" and will put us in a situation where bill Clinton rules again? Laughable. She's

You just enters a thread mostly promoted by me and IschKabibble @IschKabibble
I assure you youre missing out not reading

The Donald is going to win.
And if he doesnt, the GOP will be exposed for not backing the populist choice the voters have selected. This is is crisis time for the corrupt establishment.

We back the Donald in this thread.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I haven't read one comment, but will assume we all be joking and clowning on him.

That being said, would you rather have a diabolical liar and woman who is part of the "establishment" and will put us in a situation where bill Clinton rules again? Laughable. She's
This thread is open to anything and everything. It's the Donald J. Trump Show. There are no limits.

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Check this out on Bernie - Details and Analysis of Senator Bernie Sanders’s Tax Plan

Not sure if i'm reading this right. So he will add 6.2% tax for business owners paying employees on top of the already existing 6.2% they pay. That's going to hurt small businesses a lot I don't understand the logic behind that. A big corporation I can understand but Joe 6 pack's auto repair is going to feel that extra 6%. Anyone have thoughts on that?

Payroll Tax Changes
  • Creates a new 6.2 percent employer-side payroll tax on all wages and salaries. This is referred to by the campaign as an “income-based health care premium paid by employers.”
  • Creates a 0.2 percent employer-side payroll tax and 0.2 percent employee-side payroll tax, to fund a new family and medical leave trust fund.
  • Applies the Social Security payroll tax to earnings over $250,000, a threshold which is not indexed for wage inflation.

Deleted member 1

Check this out on Bernie - Details and Analysis of Senator Bernie Sanders’s Tax Plan

Not sure if i'm reading this right. So he will add 6.2% tax for business owners paying employees on top of the already existing 6.2% they pay. That's going to hurt small businesses a lot I don't understand the logic behind that. A big corporation I can understand but Joe 6 pack's auto repair is going to feel that extra 6%. Anyone have thoughts on that?

Payroll Tax Changes
  • Creates a new 6.2 percent employer-side payroll tax on all wages and salaries. This is referred to by the campaign as an “income-based health care premium paid by employers.”
  • Creates a 0.2 percent employer-side payroll tax and 0.2 percent employee-side payroll tax, to fund a new family and medical leave trust fund.
  • Applies the Social Security payroll tax to earnings over $250,000, a threshold which is not indexed for wage inflation.

Yes it's right.
I like Sanders for a lot of reasons. But He is not cutting much of anything and only raising more Revenue.

I'm a small business owner and he is essentially asking me to pay greater than 12% increase.

I don't have the revenue or expenses to take advantage of most of Washington's business tax write-offs.

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. We continue to talk about small businesses and lump tax policy and as business as a whole.

That 6% corporate side will never be seen for a business that's large enough to take advantage of all of the deductions. Is a very regressive business tax.

Deleted member 1

Long term welfare recipients cants vote?
Difference is nobody thinks those people should be on welfare for very long. And I can revoke that.

Are the future voters going to be beholden to my laws and citizenship process?

Seem strange to encourage an Empire Building.
I don't particularly want that.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Difference is nobody thinks those people should be on welfare for very long. And I can revoke that.

Are the future voters going to be beholden to my laws and citizenship process?

Seem strange to encourage an Empire Building.
I don't particularly want that.
You know we could have saved you the embarrassment of voting Bush and Obama in twice right? lol just kidding man.

Deleted member 1

You know we could have saved you the embarrassment of voting Bush and Obama in twice right? lol just kidding man.

Busch yes. Obama? The world push that one as much as we did.

Thanks for that Nobel Peace Prize.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Check this out on Bernie - Details and Analysis of Senator Bernie Sanders’s Tax Plan

Not sure if i'm reading this right. So he will add 6.2% tax for business owners paying employees on top of the already existing 6.2% they pay. That's going to hurt small businesses a lot I don't understand the logic behind that. A big corporation I can understand but Joe 6 pack's auto repair is going to feel that extra 6%. Anyone have thoughts on that?

Payroll Tax Changes
  • Creates a new 6.2 percent employer-side payroll tax on all wages and salaries. This is referred to by the campaign as an “income-based health care premium paid by employers.”
  • Creates a 0.2 percent employer-side payroll tax and 0.2 percent employee-side payroll tax, to fund a new family and medical leave trust fund.
  • Applies the Social Security payroll tax to earnings over $250,000, a threshold which is not indexed for wage inflation.
First I've heard of this. And the first thing that's actually turned me off of him. I would be able to hire another full-time employee based on what I'd have to pay in new taxes. Not all companies offer health insurance to their employees, so his idea that the savings will offset doesn't apply here.

I'm all about trading costs 1:1 of private health insurance vs a single-payer system, but not at the expense of business owners.

Deleted member 1

I'm all about trading costs 1:1 of private health insurance vs a single-payer system, but not at the expense of business owners

Medicare for all. Then allow a robust supplemental private insurance program to exist.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Busch yes. Obama? The world push that one as much as we did.

Thanks for that Nobel Peace Prize.
Im pretty sure the world blames Obama for the BS thats happening in the ME right now, sure he didnt start it but he left the job we all started before it was finished. We had an opportunity to let the ME be the cradle of civilization again by making them start afresh, you know having to reinvent the wheel by not letting anyone over 7 survive but damn you Obama!

I think its really guilt ridden Swedish ethnic Germans who vote for the peace prize right? dojnt quote me on that but that was the last I heard right or wrong

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Medicare for all. Then allow a robust supplemental private insurance program to exist.
Like the rest of your Western partners.

But PLEASE do not go the tax payer funded maternity leave route like us, that shit costs BILLIONS for zero return.