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TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Not even. Bernie's loser squad is trying to hop on the winner Trump train.
/r/the Donald just got done telling Bernie supporters to go fuck themselves after being called racist for.months

Reminder, trumps lead over Cruz is greater than Hillary's over Sanders...and Sanders can't win.

Btw Priziesthorse @Priziesthorse

You were right. Trump style is normal for the NE


Trump may grab 250+ delegates in a single week at the end of this month.

Indiana is the only real question next month following a monumental ass kicking. And if we see the Trump 'pivot' appease general election voters that should be okay.
I'm almost more excited about the aftermath on Reddit after Bernie finally loses than I am about the actual election results. These goddamn cucks have been clogging up my /r/all page with their delusional posts for way too long.

Deleted member 1

I'm almost more excited about the aftermath on Reddit after Bernie finally loses than I am about the actual election results. These goddamn cucks have been clogging up my /r/all page with their delusional posts for way too long.

God yes.
A year of these smug pricks creating a false reality via echo chamber and mob rule, all while blowing their tuition money on Bernie ( hey, it's an 'investment, Bernie gonna make it free) will never let them support Hillary. Too much ego and tok entrenched.

In the meantime they will have to deal with Trump shitposting flooding the site.

My god it's beautiful.

Also, where the fuck are those poli sci papers?


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
God yes.
A year of these smug pricks creating a false reality via echo chamber and mob rule, all while blowing their tuition money on Bernie ( hey, it's an 'investment, Bernie gonna make it free) will never let them support Hillary. Too much ego and tok entrenched.

In the meantime they will have to deal with Trump shitposting flooding the site.

My god it's beautiful.

Also, where the fuck are those poli sci papers?
I have to go in my attic and get my old PC tower. Too much work for my crippled body right now. Goddamn orthopedic cucks don't handout good painkiller scripts these days.
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Deleted member 1


Lol, I can't help it.

Watching them piss away thousands of dollars and then upvote a thread about "I feel bad how little /r/Hillaryforpresident has raised"

I mean, it's one thing to support a candidacy. God knows there's plenty of Bernie populism that I like.

But internet nerds with shitty jobs blowing their cash like this as an "investment" as some have called it, makes me realize why theyre broke with shitty jobs. Then bemoaning the candidate trouncing you is getting less cash?

To the phone banks!


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Lol, I can't help it.

Watching them piss away thousands of dollars and then upvote a thread about "I feel bad how little /r/Hillaryforpresident has raised"

I mean, it's one thing to support a candidacy. God knows there's plenty of Bernie populism that I like.

But internet nerds with shitty jobs blowing their cash like this as an "investment" as some have called it, makes me realize why theyre broke with shitty jobs. Then bemoaning the candidate trouncing you is getting less cash?

To the phone banks!
Say what you will, but those fuckers are the grassroots of Bernie's campaign. If it weren't for them, his word would have never gotten out. And the ol' man is still giving a hell of a fight. Aggregate polls show them practically touching tips.


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Say what you will, but those fuckers are the grassroots of Bernie's campaign. If it weren't for them, his word would have never gotten out. And the ol' man is still giving a hell of a fight. Aggregate polls show them practically touching tips.
That's the problem with the Bernie reddit supporters. They will push these national polls like they matter. It's too late. The polls that really matter are New York, California, New Jersey, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Bernie is gonna lose every one of these states.

Deleted member 1

That's the problem with the Bernie reddit supporters. They will push these national polls like they matter. It's too late. The polls that really matter are New York, California, New Jersey, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Bernie is gonna lose every one of these states.
Makes me wonder. If they hadn't spent so long lying to themselves, maybe they would have been more focused and felt the urgency needed.

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Makes me wonder. If they hadn't spent so long lying to themselves, maybe they would have been more focused and felt the urgency needed.
Lying to themselves how? How is Bernie less qualified than Incompetent Hillary?

Deleted member 1

I just hope it comes down to Bernie/Trump. We win either way imo. Trump is my #1 choice but i'd take Bernie over Hillary or lyin Ted any day.

Crazy enough/I agree.

Bernie will never get his entire plan through Congress.

But we would get improved trade deals, remove Federal prohibition on weed, in a rather non Interventional foreign policy

Deleted member 1

Lying to themselves how? How is Bernie less qualified than Incompetent Hillary?

I'm talking about the constant ignoring that Hillary is trashing him in the polls.

Hillary wins four races and he wins two and reddit is saying Bernie wins two more races! Hillary fails to get all 5 races she was expected to win!

You can't direct resources with such a false narrative.


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Makes me wonder. If they hadn't spent so long lying to themselves, maybe they would have been more focused and felt the urgency needed.
It would be interesting to see how it would play out if they started over right now. Hillary still wins imo. She's not so likable, but Bernie is a fucking square. Her most powerful weapon is her last name. That's the coolest thing she has going for her. We can spend all day talking about each candidates policies, but I truly believe a good percentage of voters vote based on who'd they rather share a beer with.

Shit, my grandparents are Jews from Brooklyn like Bernie, but refuse to vote for him because he "doesn't embrace his jewishness". Lol


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
He did mention God like 100 times tonight, so I think he's working on that.
It's all too late. He was more aggressive tonight, but he should have been doing that the entire time.

His biggest issue has always been that he looks and sounds like an old, white professor. Never resonated with the black community. He tried to throw out that line in the one debate that "white people don't know what it's like to be poor". Didn't do shit for him. He's just not charming. Look at G.W. Bush. People wanted to share a beer with that motherfucker. He had that good ol' boy southern charm. Jeb, not so much lol.


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I don't know if it's true or not about her belonging to a whites only country club back in the day, but Bernie should have ran ads saying she did anyways.