Not sure but I think they should hire us to be perfectly honest.They do have this British dude doing it, don't they? Things are happening, but yeah its not going at a high pace.
I've got the inside scoop on the new powerhouse of European talent and can add a bit of panache to things, while you my friend are German and who doesn't love the German's almost perverse obsession with order, quality and regularity? Hmm?
Well I'll tell ya... the Jews, that's who. Who the fuck thinks it's a good idea to give some Germans the power to lock people in a cage? Remember how people got shitty about that some 70-80 years ago? You think your clinical sterilized accent is fooling anyone? Yeah, yeah go back to your wurst und orangensafft zum Frühstück there Klause. The deal's off! Back to der Ostfront with you!!!!
Okay, okay, I could stand to tone down THAT^ aspect of my delivery but other than that, I think we'd be able to make with the smooth, get the cash flowin and get the fighters down with things.
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