Connecticut school apologizes for ‘Hitler’ football play

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Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
You're intentionally missing the point, the statement was hyperbole but the phenomenon of victimhood is real. The woman in question is an example of someone who received an undeserved apology for shit she never had to endure.
If I said all Canadians seem to be a bit thick, would referencing an authority on Canada make it legit?

Regarding your second sentence, let's use a different example that still meets the same points. A black kid on the football team has to make a play called American Slave Trade. Would that mum still be wrong to complain?


If I said all Canadians seem to be a bit thick, would referencing an authority on Canada make it legit?
If it were true and if this authority could produce evidence and timelines and document countless occurrences of it and have a money trail to point to then it would warrant investigation. Something tells me, you're not going to watch that video but you're going to retain your own sense of authority on the subject over his.
Regarding your second sentence, let's use a different example that still meets the same points. A black kid on the football team has to make a play called American Slave Trade. Would that mum still be wrong to complain?
That comparison makes me doubt this conversation should continue.
Seriously dude, I know you're smart but you're coming off a bit arrogant here. That guy, no matter what you think of his opinion and perspectives, provides fascinating glimpses into the life of an ethnic and religious group from a specific point in American history to the present.

This conversation has jumped the shark though and the woman in question still did not need to inject herself into the matter the way she did and it fucks things up in the bigger picture. You just have to accept I see it the way I do given the information I have.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Something tells me, you're not going to watch that video but you're going to retain your own sense of authority on the subject over his.
I don't question his authority on the holocaust. He certainly knows more than I do - I'm pretty ignorant on it to be honest. I'm not claiming any authority at all on that topic. I'm saying that generalising all Jews is a fallacy, whether by you or that guy. You've clarified it was hyperbole, which doesn't always come through in written medium, so we can move on.

That comparison makes me doubt this conversation should continue.
I don't see why, the same conditions that you stated apply.
You just have to accept I see it the way I do given the information I have.
I do, you're the one who questioned me.


I don't see why, the same conditions that you stated apply.
It's beyond the scope of my imagination and ability to articulate how ridiculous that comparison is. I mean, Hitler as a name is synonymous with many things, one of them being military endeavors, American football with its strategies and plays is military-like. The slave trade as a football play would require some major logical leaps....but it was a stupid name for a football play, on that we can both agree..

Did you watch that talk? It's not the holocaust that he is an authority on in the sense of him being there or experiencing it. I only made it up to 49 minutes where he talks about post 67 events and what that meant to his generation of American Jews but the insight he provides is informative. I like the quote he gave about viewing the present as history.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
It's beyond the scope of my imagination and ability to articulate how ridiculous that comparison is. I mean, Hitler as a name is synonymous with many things, one of them being military endeavors, American football with its strategies and plays is military-like. The slave trade as a football play would require some major logical leaps....but it was a stupid name for a football play, on that we can both agree..

Did you watch that talk? It's not the holocaust that he is an authority on in the sense of him being there or experiencing it. I only made it up to 49 minutes where he talks about post 67 events and what that meant to his generation of American Jews but the insight he provides is informative. I like the quote he gave about viewing the present as history.
No, I'll be honest and say I'd rather watch martial arts vids.