oh i probably should have clarified. When i say roundless i mean 25 straight minutes with no rounds inbetween for championship fights and 15 minutes straight for normal fights. Not unlimited time or anything.
Its a stance GSP is behind as well and says many other fighters also like it. Rory Mcdonald also favoured. So an interesting scenario.
Maybe having commercials inbetween 15 minutes fights instead of rounds.
Gotcha. Well, no surprise cardio-king GSP supports the idea. I take it that (on your view) a single 25/15 minute round will help the judges score the fight "as a whole", as people like to say? If so I agree with the concept. But this could be accomplished by different scoring criteria. Like in your example above, we want to eliminate these cases where a guy wins round 1 by 15 punches, then loses the next by 2, and the final one by 2, thereby losing the fight 10-9/9-10/9-10. Supposing (for convenience) all punches are similarly hard and clean, this isn't a fair result. So a single, long round would eliminate that.
I just think giving the fighters a periodic break is sensible. They already do superhuman things to get prepared to fight IMO. 25 straight minutes is a long, long time. I do like the purity of the idea though. IMO we can achieve the virtues of this format by creating judging criteria that try to view the fight as though it WERE a single round, ie, judge the fight as a whole (Haulport wrote up a pretty nice system on this IMO, one that expands a fight's meaningful moments into a much better resolution than the 10-point (3 point, in reality: 10, 9, 8). But then we're just plagued with the same problems---people will argue about whether a punch landed and what effect it had. Add in TD's and all that, and we have a very difficult problem to solve.
Technology is the way. Hopefully some budding Edisons who happen to be MMA fans will take an interest in the future.